Tv shows for 7 year old boy? (2025)

  • Tv shows for 7 year old boy? (1)

    Posted 09-23-22

    I hear you on the YouTube. There is a minecraft story mode on Netflix. It's interactive, he might think is cool. My middle son just turned 7 and I have to admit he LOVED Spongebob. Doesn't watch it as much as he did, but maybe your son will enjoy it. It's kind of dumb lol But I know a lot of the kids love it.

  • l

    Liss86 Original Poster

    Posted 09-23-22

    Steph1014 said:

    I hear you on the YouTube. There is a minecraft story mode on Netflix.…

    Thank you for your suggestions. Yes my son watched the minecraft story mode when he first got into minecraft. It’s a pretty cool show. I’ll see about SpongeBob.

    he also used to watch a bunch of Pokémon shows and movies but he seems over those now as well.

    Right now he is watching Teen Titans however I don’t really think it’s appropriate for his age but maybe it is.

  • I hear you with the YouTube garbage! It's a struggle for me as well, getting my 6 yr old to watch stuff that isn't complete garbage. He watches Minecraft Story Mode on Netflix and he's very into dinosaurs so he's really been into Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous (spelling?) on Netflix. We also have Disney+ so I've pushed him a bit to watch some of the older Disney movies that I watched as a kid. He pushes back, but once he starts seeing them he gets really into them. I hate the fights, but sometimes I have to force something that is new to him so he gets out of his comfort zone! Because there is a younger one here too I tend to push stuff that hits a middle ground between them. Bluey is really good, but he may find it too juvenile. When my son really pushes back on wanting YouTube I end up putting it on but I pick shows I watched as a kid....the quality isn't always very good but he often gets into them after a while. Inspector Gadget and The Littlest Hobo is my go to.....I'm going to age myself with that one! Hahahahaha!

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  • o

    Posted 09-23-22

    My 7 year old loves Minecraft, ninjago and pokeman. I’m all for Ninjago or Lego Star Wars or any of the Lego stuff… it’s hilarious, they throw in a ton of jokes/references that only adults would get, I laugh my butt off.

  • d

    Posted 09-23-22

    If you can find it, I’d say some of the older cartoons would be good for that age group. I’m thinking like Bugs Bunny and Tweety, Inspector Gadget, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Anamaniacs, and Pinky & The Brain.

    I believe there are newer versions of a few of those shows, so they might be easier to find then the originals.

    If you have Disney+, I would say show him the Emperor’s New Groove movie. If he likes it, there’s a show too! Also the shows like DuckTalea, Tale Spin, and Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers might be good too.

  • k

    Posted 09-24-22

    Ok not all youtube is garbage! There are some pretty cool people to follow. My son loves watching Studson Studio. It’s really inspiring and definitely has upped his crafting game.

    As for Netflix, he’s bored of it. Seen all his shows of interest and wants something else. Reality is he prefers to play games and I’m ok with that since he’s doing a lot of thinking while playing rather than watching.

    Some of the shows he liked were Pokémon, Lego series, angry birds, and a lot of “toddler” shows. Like Gabbys dollhouse, Charlie’s colourform. The worst one that he loved was sunny bunny’s. That show just got under my skin so bad.

  • l

    Posted 09-24-22

    Omw the youtubers voices in miecraft serious trigger something in me and not in a good way. The one girls voice is so high-pitched, I cannot stand her.

    I can talk my son into man vs wild. It's interactive and some of the choices are really gross and it appeals to his humour.

    Captain underpants is always a hit.

    He will also watch grizz and the lemmings, zig and shark, and one that I think its called booba? Weird little hairy guy that gets himself in bad situations and makes a mess lol... I dunno

  • Tv shows for 7 year old boy? (5)

    Posted 09-24-22

    What about a YouTube channel that appeals to his hobbbies or activities? My daughter loves mountain biking and we have found some fun content from pro mountain bikers. She also like Japanese food 😂 so we watch Paulo from Tokyo, (he also has a series about a “day in the life” of different types of jobs.)
    my two girls love crafting, so they watch a YouTube channel focusing on arts and crafts.

    when it’s time to turn off YouTube, they usually watch Bluey 😂

  • Tv shows for 7 year old boy? (7)

    Posted 09-24-22

    My son likes the series based off of how to train your dragon. (Not the more cartoony one where the dragons talk although that one is based off the books too) sorry can’t remember what it’s called. He also likes grizzly and the lemmings. He also loves the my little pony movies although he’d never admit it, he’s always finds his way to watch when his little sister is watching them haha.

  • Tv shows for 7 year old boy? (9)

    Posted 09-24-22

    Surprised no one said the magic school bus… pretty not specific to a gender

  • Tv shows for 7 year old boy? (2025)


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