The Press Democrat from Santa Rosa, California (2024)

PRESS DEMOCRAT Want Ads Are Workers You Can Afford-And It's So Eas.u-Just Phone 54 50 For Rent. Houses 38 For Sale Misc. 46 Farm Equipment 38 For Sale Misc. 37 Home Furnishings 36 Home Appliance NEW 5-RM. HOME, HARDWOOD: FLOORS.


house, barns. Approx. 5' acres open land, fenced, "uonth to! month rental or sale Phone 892 2-BDRM house Good location I Y'ard $85 month Phone 4323 I NEW. comnlcte'v furnished 3-rm cottage. $i5 month.

Utilities i Prefer couple, Man to milk cow i evenings for milk. H2R Mirid'e Rmcon Phone NICr 3-ROOM COT-i TAGF. $5 MO PHONF 22-R-3 2-BEDROOM unfurn house No children or pets. 404 Denton Way. I NICELY furnished 3-room cottage 4' 3 miles of Court House I Fvenmgs.

Saturday and Sunday i 5491 2- ROOM furnished ohm: w-Sioner preferi-erl: 25 23 1 Iowa St. 3- BDRM unfurnished house. 220 W. College Ave After 8 ni. 5-RM.

DELUXE FURN DUPLEX FINF LOCATION S75 MO ON LFASE AI EKED Pol SEN 418 FOURTH STRFFT 2- ROOM furn. cottage. refrje ven. blinds: idea! for pensioner $45 Inq. 72R Mendocino.

Phone 417i-R TRAILER space 'or rent con-venicnces in Ph. 1315-J FURNISHED cottages by the week Virginia Rind'-, Hotel Court 1390 Santa Rosa A 8-RM stiuvi lieu' Furn No garage 33 Second St 3- ROO.M ut, nil mshr duplex. K. 3'i-ronm unfurnished lnuse. -70 177a Humboldt 5 RM house.

3 bdrm near schools, transportation Ph 4577-Ji RENTALS HOUSES APTS A (NFS AND BUSINESS PROPERTY Phone or eves 445 Sehasfnooi Ave CroweH's Rentals We have apartments, business property and rar.clr-availab'e NEW LISTINGS iVVMhl Phone 5474 1HI West Third NEW 2-hednn unfurn cXttage patio, garage H5 N'o nets Inouirr 231 ('wider Avenue. Sehastnpol NICEI furn cottages refrig Also small cottage $7 week 1052 Second Street 3-ROOM furnished cottage Clost tn All utli Reas 3000 Siyinma Hv I 1 H'lF'S CABINS ON BODFGA BAV Dav week or mo'ith rio 132 Phone 2402 Bodega Bav U'ELl TWO- BED ROOM HOME. RENT OR I. EASV 408 DENTON WAY. PHONF lfii'l WEFK DAYS FOR A PPT.

51 For Rent, Apts. I.OVEI.'1' 3-room apt. furnished, including refrigerator and rang' fiia-t month ltirlinc Munrm Phone UNFURNISHED 3-ronni anar'nu-nt. Hardwood flours,! heater in front room. Suitable fur 2 adults Please call at Santa Rosa Santa Rosa.

NEW 2-heclrm. duplex. Unfntn Phone 5234. Iiki 971 Sonoma Ai 3-ROOM furn apts 32 1 Id 32a 2nd. Washington Adults 3 ROOM unfurn.

apt 4' Call al 310 Walnu Dr Ph 4 1 R3-W F. RN Furni -hrd 4 room apt with garage, mo. rhonc 995-M 8 to 9 p.m. ATTRACTIVE 3 rm. apt.

N'eai school- anri ranspm at ion call 2075-M or 9m Spencer Av 2 H.M. apt. I'm Ivdh f-40 mo. children. Inn R'lfi Third St No completed, stticth mo'l.

iinl'urn Adults. Ph 527R-R 4-ROOM furn. apt close, riuict Employed cnnplr- 7 1 C'herr'- St CLEAN 3-room apt furnished close in: gar; soft watr: adult- No pets. 851 Sonoma Ave. 2-ROOM furn all $35 mo.

150 West Rth 5789-1-2. 11 1 1 1 1 1 ICS St. ph 3-ROOM furn. adult' frig, close in. Inquire 535 St.

SMALL FURN, APT. $3iT tTlT TIES PROVIDED 8a 1 3RD FURN College Ave. key upstairs, before noon and 5:00 tr 7:30 p.m 3 ROOM partly furn apt. at 831' Sonoma Ave. Ph.


flat. mo. Children welcrime. vV-st Tinrrl St. Plume 487h-W.

Call at P.13 Morlian. EURNlSlil.I) Apa'tinent. 530 mr. Cast le -A pari rncnt 17 miles South of Santa Rosa, llignwav 12 Take two children Phone Sonoma 5734 3- ROOM unfiiir, Stove 387 Willow Sebastopol. Phoni 7t1 or 32 Vi.

545 1 1 -m ne 4- RCJOM fnrni-heri a'it for summer months. 1211 College Ave, 5 14 St lOpn. Sear- Parti- furnished APT Adults NO PETS MERRII.EES. Realtor. 35 Radio and Television 3-WA' portable radio.

A-I cond bie. 401 Denton Way. MAGNA VOX Radio-Phonographs Television AND SERVICE Harmony Music Store 17 Man Street Ph PETALUMA DEAN'S RADIO TV EXPEP'' 'EPAIRS- Al Anl'-nria "ervice and ln-r SIS SEBASTOPOL RD. PH 79 ART'S Radio A Television Serv ns Mendocino Phone 527 Just SEE the Sparton Cosmic Eye TELEVISION Penngrove Radio-TV Phore Petaluma 5-4478 or 5-435 For Home Demonstration Why Pay More FOR TV antennae installation moving or repair Call Santa Ros; Radio Service for free estimate Phone 76-J-2 AUTO RADIOS REPAIRED RADIO AND TV SERVICE REASONABLE EXPER-1 Howard Radio Shop tOfi JOHNSON PHONE 376: ADMIRAL TELEVISION Large Selection of Sets EMPORIUM lid fourth St. Phoni 37S TELEVISION RADIO Sales and Service Licensed 2-Way Radio Service Novelli's Radio Service 127 FOURTH ST PHQNF 448) 1-DAY SERVICE Guaranteed Radio TV Servlct by factory-trained techniciani.

Gambles Western Auto Supply Co. 432 Fourth St Phone 3li 36 Home Appliances BENDIX Economat. Brand new. Rem. 2631 Valley Center Dr.

Ph 3329-M E. DISHWASHER. Like new. Cost $300. Sell for $200.

109 Fir Crest Sebastopol, ph. 3807. 12' i CU. FT. deep freeze.

$250. Western Holly Range. griddle, light and lamp. $150. Ph.

3823-R or 721 Aston Ave. WASHING MACHINE SALE Rebuilt and guaranteed. G. E. npin dryer.

59 50: Thor. late model with pump. 539 50: Mavtag. $24 50 Beverage Cooler. $49.50.

6 cu. ft Frigidaire, $49 50. House of Barter 4TH A- FREEWAY PHONE 4710 FT.ECT stove. $125. Cost $300.

K'ect water heater. $30. Also old-e- elect, stove, $25. Tel. ABC WASHER with snin dryer, good condition, $25.

1560 Sebastopol Road. Pnone 4145-R A' MOST new Silver King vacuum cleaner with a'l the attach-rn-nts. $80. 3877 Finley Ave. MODERN table-top gas range.

$55 i7 Humboldt St. Phone 2111-M WEDGEWOOD gas range likr new. $65. Phone 2785 USFD Maytae round tub, rebuilt a. IfIC 1 11 condition,

rnonc io eiT cr rfeen freeze 934 Biish St. Phone 4569-W V'ESTINGHOUSE Frost-Free IT 10 cu. ft. Refrigerator wtih freezer section, automatic defroster. Guaranteed Nearly new $43" value for $350 or best offer.

H. Eujita Rt. 3. Box 276. Petaluma.

Ph. 2-4357 PEFRIG $60: eas range. 8n. Both excellent condition. 1120 Ponpy Drive weekdavs after 6 p.

rn. NORCE refrigerator. 7 cu. Phone 164Z-J nenniry NEW Coronado gasoline washing machine. Reg.

$149 50. Sale nrice 79 50 Used 5 cu ft Coldsnot refr'ger tor. $65 Used wringer tvoe washer with pump. Used Easv Wringer type washer with rump. $35 Gamble's Western Store? 432 Fourth St Ph.

3810 MONTGOMERY Ward Refrigerator. Excel, cond. $59. Phone 5064-R. 328 St.

Helena Ave. THOR automatic convertible. S100 Empire Electrical Shop 435 Fourth St. Phone 32 Look 3-PIECE BATH SETS Special Price $139.50 1 5' jtee! tub 1 tile-in lavatory. steel 1 close coupled toilet This Is a Real Buy No Money Down Easy Payment Hall Son, Inc.

1022 Santa Rosa Ave. Santa Rosa, California Phone 1200 WEDGE WOOD gas stove. cW condition. Ph Petaluma 5-466S HOTPOIN'T washing machin' $64 50. Empire FJectrical Shop 435 Fourth Phone 32! Special summer CUSTOM AIRE DUAI WALL HEATER.

40.000 B.T.U. w-controls Reg. $117.50 SUMMER SPECIAL OFF YOU SAVE $29 38 Hall Son. Inc. 1022 Santa Rosa Ave.

Ph 1200 Special 1 pnlv-45 000 B.T.U HOI.LY DUAL WALL HEATER $69.50 Hall Son, Inc. 1022 Santa Rosa Ave Ph 1200 Special 19x17 C. LAVATORY W-FITTING SPECIAL PRICE $19.95 Hall Son, Inc. 1022 Santa Rna Ave. Ph.

1200 SINGER port 5-vr guar re Ouilt like new $29.50 Terms Takr trades Sell bv aopt Phone 5099 ELECTROLUX $12 95 and attach Rebuilt new maci. guar. Sell bv appt Phone 5099 Your Sewing Machine Electrified to order regardless age. Used machines for sale AP makes renaired Phone 1470 C. Allison.

732 North Davis Street 37 Home Furnishings HOUSEHOLD furnishings for sale Telephone 1055-J. 1 LIGHT oak dinette set. like new, inlaid top. $50: 3-mirror wal. dressing table- 1 chrome lounge rhair, $15.

531Z Hilton no DIVAN, double bed mattress: $25 for both. 620 Church St. 471J9-W COLDSPOT refrigerator, table and chairs, misc. Phone Bargain Center Maple finished 4 drawer chests $18.75 Maple Table, 4 chairs, leaf 39 50 Maple Bridge Lamps 4.9 Maple Table Lamps 2.45 Unf. corner cabinets $27.00 Ovens for Kerosene Stoves 3.59 ea Two and Three Burner Krr.

Stoves 10 75 and 12 9." Camp Stools. Reg. 93c -aeh 79c Bargain Center 116-4th Ph. 1327-J FOR SALE Family -size Coldsnot refrigerator, excel, cond single bed, box sprines and tabic radio Rt 2. Box 22, Petaluma.

Tele-nhone 2-4339. CHFSTERFIELD, extra large, hvv wool upholstery, ooens for bed. good cond. $115. Ph.

1440-J. 1947 7 CU. FT. Westinghonse Re-frig. 1905 King Ph.

5484-R. 2-PC. sectional divan. Like new $75. 992 Kenmore Lane.

45 R.P.M. record plaver plus a small classical record selection Call 408-J. WILL SACRIFICE BRAND NEW FURNITURE Hallicrafter TV with traditional solid mahoganv twin bedroom set with new innersnrine mattresses and springs: modern blond solid mahoganv bedroom set: mMeh'o" dining room set: all beaut-fii' heirloom oualitv for less ta-good veneer sets New Horto" roner. off. W.

Doss. Drive City Ad Here 17 SajiU Rosa. June 2T. 1952 52 For Rent, Rooms Wlth kitchen nnv. Lad-- 308 Gilbert Dr Ph.

3786-R. a'on(. has nice oeitrcnm with kitchen and Indrv ortvileees to a cdn genial lady Phone 3274 ONE or two well-heated bedrooms Private enttanee. -oe and h-i Te etthone 1317-M The Wayne Hotel Reas wrekiv rates home atmos, phen all outside rnis 319 5th St NICELY furn room adj bath: use of teienhprip SOS Orchard 53 Wanted to Rent --BEDRM. unfurn houe Prefer teheed vari.

rivuhle garage. at-crn part of clt To $8Q. Ph. 6231-R FURN I ED 2- be mi hous7 Permane't Pefs. Phone 2319-W.

2 li i id hou-e. furnished or 1 child Reason- -lilll 's-i'i- Press Democrat. HAVE vou a Grade A or dairv tor lease Ph Seh istopo! 2953 or 43'-o C.n i field Sebastopol RENT OR LEASE ranch or what nave ou- with option to buv I Nivc rt.irrv iock and chickens. Box 1 4 7 Press Democrat 55 For Rent or Lease. Lots, Offices.

Lands, Ranches SO Vlonia ET. Storeroom Elect. 932 Ave more 4957-W. FOR LEASE, red hot. 145 acres and house, family orchard, oak wood contract cords to be cut at $." a cord, 7 milk cows go with Pino on sh.i'-es.

goats, chickens, etc. lease $100 $800 will hindle1! This is on good a-. lie- f-oni town CMAS IIANNERMAN. REALTOR Foirth St Phone 4848 HUH DING and 4 unit over 3. "00 sr, ft suitable tor distributor, warehouse, etc Wr' 'ocatcd.

all facilities Phone or write Owner. i l'-i. WILL rent frame building close in with door for 90 davs for storage Purposes at $50 monf My Williams cx O'Neil docino Ave Phone 1918 I-OH I EASE store. 18 x60' Plenty of paikv.g. loading, entrance in tear.

9 3 a West College Ave Owner. Phone 5931 -J 57 Financial WANTED on secured town pi-nnertv. Box 1845. D. WII.I tins good trust deed Give di tails Box 1785, Press Democrat, i llT IT A PI Farm Loan Long Trial Int Ask for Free Booklet .1 flank Churchill 5877 MC'tt i Rd Phone 831.7-W EFFICIENT Courteous Attention and Adv ice given our Real Estate Loan Problems Lowest interest rate- and nionthlv payments Redwood Empire Mortgage Co.

Inc. Eiimh S' Phone 3413 53 Business Opportunities SMALL investment starts you in tnc tire iM nuisher business arvd allied hu Operate from yoijr noine. Musi sell account of health Call or pi, one. W. S.

Borba. 330 South Street. Sebastopol. Phone Seh 2128 BEAUTY born If hop fully equipped 1805 Box OWNER Lunch counter with eoinpni' nt. Seats 12.

Cash price $li95. For appointment call 8067- 8 a tn to fi p.m. except Sun-d iv FOR SALE Lumber Yard at Penngrove on Highway 1111 180-ft. frontage Railroad facilities. All buildings A-l condition No stock.

Easv temis or nox BOYES HOT SPRINGS. SoNnMA 3411, Grocery Meat Market WEI I. LOCATED for drop-in and regular trade, competitive volume basn. First-class fixtures and eoiuipmont Excellent spot for dehcates.en Owner has other business interest Must sell. $7500 00 plus inventory.

GARAGE HOME On hi-way. well established. 3 Modern gas pumps, bldg. 38x40. Concrete floor Equipment alone is very valuable, complete list 1n office Plus good 3-bdrm.

home and acre with loo ft. frontage $12,600 00 Owner will trade for small acre- age. See us for olher Business find Business Opportunities. Hicks Foster M. I.

Realtors Insurance 1087 Santa Rosa Ave. Ph. 4751 Eve. 5436-J Open Sundays 11 to 4 p.m FOR LEASE PACKAGE DEAL Coninlete going beauty salon established 13 vrs. beautiful cor.

home. Super location. High-class clientele Ideal for expert couple. Ph Ilealdshurg 213-M BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WE HAVE. A LARGE NUMBER OF LISTINGS OF BARS, RESTAURANTS.


HARDWARE. BAKERIES and man- others. 409 3rd St. BAR Brer and ine on and off sale: lunch -and card room: living oiiaitrs; year round trade Phone Seba'tnnol 3480 PARTNERSHIP FOR SALE to right party, Va 'liable business with great future. Box 1852, P.

For Sale or Lease Sawmill Ready to Set Up Complete heavv rluay, 40 MBM c.m.ic. With power units, log slip, live deck, log turner, 3 block ar-riago, pov or set workc. all live rolls 6x5' edger. Multiple trim saws to burner Box Redwood Clt'. Calif.

FOR LEAS'' -Serv station and Rn-' equipment and stork Term? 3000 Sonoma Hwv. ATTRACTIVE going business, eriuiprnent. stock and estate, nice 5 cm livms quarters, tile kitelien and batn. centra! heating plant, handles houe. service station and garage, average gross orofit ovr i Per vear 29-500 $15,000 will handle or 4.000 to lease.

P. owner Ph. 3040-J. INCOME PROPERTY 3 furnished cottages, trailer court, going plumb'rg business Full price 19.5"Q Phone 22-R-3 Dry Cleaning Shop $200 per week volume Asking price $3,300 Ph Sebastopol 2242 59 Real Estate General $25 DOWN PAYMENT buvs acreage right in town. $199.

Beef, hogs, grain can raped on this 160 acs valley land at $2500 E.P.. cash or terms Start niejtei. gris sta hiway business on S. hiway frontage $30 ac. 160 level, ranch lard $5.

ac. P. Trout stream, timber, grazing, $20. ac. terms.

Many Gov't. State County land bargains. Write for free land catalog to TAX LAND SALES Box 23a'i KC, Hollywood 23, Calif- "FIRECRACKERS are hot but here Is a hotter bargain. 2-bedrm. modern home, good nr.

ritv bus. Possession now Terms. $6600. WALTER V. PRICE.

REALTOR 215 St 566: Eves. 2945-W OPEN Sat. Sun. 12-4 In Dowling Court 'BACK OF PROCTOR SCHOOL 3-bedroom home. 2 baths, patio.

Walking distance Proctor Terrace School and bus line. Secluded neighborhood, ideal for children. $13,500 Terms. This is a ouahtv home by Hardister. Phone 3422 6 A NEW big 7-rm.

home. Large shop. 1145 Brush Creek Road. Suburban Homesites in country, with restrictions, facilities. It will pay you to see these before buying.

1 acre and up. Phone 3456 404 Mendocln Ave. Ask for Herb. Paint Special Outside White $2.25 Per Gal. Village Lumber Co.

In Beautiful Montgomery Village 2400 SONOMA AVE PH 1183 PIPE AVAILABLE NOW 3000 ft. 2'2 in. 5000 ft. 3 in. Good Reconditioned Limited quantities from 1 in.

to 8 in. RAS WELDING BOILER WORKS 3099 REDWOOD HWY. S. PH. 78 DEAR FOLKS: I'm foregoing my ad this week on account of a big Sale coming up soon.

Watch VAN 'Van' the Paint Man THE REDWOOD EMPIRE'S FRIENDLIEST PAINT STORE 553 MENDOCINO AT 10TH PHONE FOR VAN'S HELP WITH YOUR DECORATING PROBLEMS MORWEAR PAINTS 15 000 EXCLUSIVE WALLPAPERS FOR SALE at greatly reduced price: 5 sections 40' i ft. each galvanized guttersi 4 sections 40' 2 ft downspouts, new: metal casem*nt window, sash, Venetian blind: Coldsnot 14 cu. ft. deep freezer, new. Box la4.

P. D. WATER PRESSURE TANKS 100 gal. 3000 gal. in stock.


78 105 FT. new Redwd. picket fence $20. Apt. 24-A.

Vets' Housing. HEAVY Duty S. Ph. Electric Motor, nearly new Umbrella Tent, canvas floor. $25.00: nearlv new 3-burner Coleman Camo Stove, good 9x12 Kuc S25.O0; good Electric Range with trash burner, S25.00.

450 Dovie Park Drive. Pho ie 293S 1-A1AX McCulioch chain saw: barrel gas pump, $20. 226 Grand View Road. Sebastopol. BOY'S GRAY gabardine suit like new, size 13, $20.

Phone 3659-R. KWICK MIX CEMENT IUST ADD WATER Village Lumber Co. In Beautiful Montgomery Villa 2400 SONOMA AVE PH 1183 See Montgomery Ward For Complete Line of Cleaning Supplies FOR YOUR CAR Polish, sponges, cleaner, chamois wax, polishing cloths AT WARD'S LOW PRICES Montgomery Ward Co. 411 Mendocino Ave. Phone 380 Attention COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS.


859-R N. Z. RABBITS, does and litters gas stove: highchair Ph. 6182-R-2 6085 Redwood Highway North PUMPS NEW OR USED 24-HOUR SERVICE NO DOWN PAYMENT-MAKE YOUP OWN TERMS Santa Rosa Pump Service 1400 Ridlev Ave Phone 3R59-R CHARCOAL Open Sunday morning. 10 to 12 Santa Rosa Fuel Co.

725 First Phone 59" 732 2nd St OUT THEY GO! THESE NEW REFRIGERATED FIXTURES MUST BE SOLD Al ONCE TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW LINE. PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 8 McCrav Self -Service A beautiful produce case 6' Sherer Self -Service Double deck dairy case 6' Sherer Self Servic? Frozen food or ice cream cas WATCH FOR JULY ANNOUNCE MENT OF OUR NEW LINE OF DISPLAY riXTUKiS. Howarth Refrigeration 1316 PETALUMA HILL ROAD PHONE SANTA ROSA 1817-M AWNINGS WINDOWS DOORS PORCHES Permanent long lasting redwood or aluminum. Styled and scientifically designed, admits light and air circulation.

Adds comfort and attractiveness to your home or business. FHA approved. E. M. ZIEGLER 3387 Parker Hill Rd.

Ph. 5342-R TRADE your hard water for soft and save money Mt. Shasta Water Conditioner Phone 349-J Road Hazard Guaranteed Recapping $6.95 600x16 or 670x15 1-Day Service OK Rubber Welders 300 5th near Freeway. S. 925 Mam nr cirv umu- 10-MAN Life Raft, $12 50: Target T- Tnu-intf Cahle 1 ir ft Galv.

2c Telephone Wire. 2 cond. lc b-h. tnaiess snngs Cable. SI mnnn'i Wrenches.

8 to 15 Jl 23 ir.i... ,4 CAmn Pts Mr Periscopes, 96c and $2 40: Pints No. 10 I uoe vu. c. Hartley-Smith 1 mw 1 r-a era Hrfi'ir 3n South A St.

Santa 39 Pets ENGLISH Pointer puppies and Colhe puppies. A registered i Reasonable Saturday. Sur.dav and) evenings S49o BLOND part co*cker Spaniel 2-year oid Free to good home Montecito Avenue BOSTON terrier oupples 3589 Ber-nett Valley Rd DOGS BOARDED: Rem Chow Kenneis. 101 Highway Geyservilie DACHSHUND PBPPIF.S Tamaibrae Knls iShawi. Seb 2834 REG co*ckers Wm Gooch.

74.i Sonoma Highway 8 miles out IRISH SETTER PUPPIES 984 Kenmore Lane 1183-W Eves BEISF.L POMERANIAN KENNEL Ch Bred puppies, brood stock males at stud Hwy 12. 5 miles north of Sebastopol. Ph Seb 3530 Pet and Garden Supplies Comp ete Line of Pet Foods FRESH HORSEMEAT GOLDEN EAGLE DOG FOOD 22 Protein 10c per lb $8 50 per 100 lbs COM-CO ORGANIC FERTILIZER WF DELIVER Gemetti Feed Store 10 A STREET TEI 44t- 40 Farm Produce Apple Dryers Attention Non-resident has 4 acr. of early and late apples to be sold on trees at once Contact J. H.

Bell. 408 41h ph. 595. BO YSE SHERRIES, excellent. ou Pick Witter.

99 F.lphick Rd Seb CHERRIES -You pick 9c lb. Lat rhanre. 3231 Occidental Rd Seb BO YSEN BERRIES, you nick, bring containers. Samuelson. 2200 Orchard Station Rd Sebastopol ANAI.Y Berry Gardens new open East Hurlbut Ave Sebastopol BERRIES bv crate Grossacres 1275 Bodega Rd Seb Phone 3353 Raspberries Picked t'-esp everv Sunday ann Thurs Little Burns.

893 R.igle Rd SehaMonn: Ph 3218 nt 7K7.1 41 Hay. Feed For Sale HAY baled in field $25 per ton Knnwles Ranch. 7835 Sonoma Hwy Phone Kenwood 62fil. 45 Livestock FRESH Guernsey and heifer calf 8 full woo'ed blackface sheep. Reasonable.

2RK3, Lomitas Avenue Off C'ountv Hospital Rond 1 EXCELLENT work mare, 1800 lbs. Phone forestvtlie 29W. YE ARI.IXQ Whiteface heifers Inquire Giacomelli. Lytton. REGISTERED Duroc 2-year-old boar.

Trade for W. F. W. Wallace. Rt.

1. Box 258. Healdsb WEANED PIGS. 4930 Occidenta Road. Santa BEAUTIFUL 7 vear old saddle mare, spirited but gentle.

2975 South Duttnn Avenue. 3 THBD. mares bred to Sickle stal. Liiviglia, Box 241-B. Sonoma WHITEFACE and cows Wc finance.

Box 1803. P.D RABBITS with hutches, reas. 3319 Guerneville Rd. Ph. 87-R-ll.

SHETLAND pony, 2 horses: gen-tte for children Rt 1. Box 321 Goodwin Ave Petaluma. 5-4277 FINE grade Dorset ram. 5 vrs 2575 Alton Lane. Piner District FOR SALE OR TRADE 7 and Jersey cows 4 fresh 1 3 springers; Welsh ponies, gentle for children: table model cream separator and butter cnurn: gentle sad dle horses, saddles and bridles 4325 Rdwd.

Hw.v. So. 80 DOE rabbits-Some with litters 8 bucks- also hutches. Phone 2908. Sebastopol.

:.344 Orchard Sta Rd FIRST -CALF gentle heifer. 321 Eucab ntus. Cotati. WEANER PIGS. $8 and up.

808 Middle Rinron Road. Phone 63-R-2 ONE FAT STEER FOR SALE 2120 PINER ROAD. RABBITS and cages. Reasonable Route 2. Box 139.

Sonoma. FRESH Holstein heifer. 4100 Lone Pine Road Cunningham. TOP NOTCH 1200-lb. Palomino Trail Blazer Horse, reasonable.

450 Doyle Park Drive. Ph 2938 1 MILKING short horn yearling bull, resistcreii. 2-3 mo old bull calves, eligible to register. Litte Burns. H93 Rasle Ph 321 or 7875 Sebastopol.

GENTLE family cow. 3rd calf heavy springer Jersey 3081 Mon roe Road. Santa Rosa. Bull Service PHONE 45-J-2 Chris Han-. en Jr.

4f'3a Stony Point Road PRICED to sell: 20 aged ewes: Suffolk r.nn. Phone 5H48-J REG Duroc oreeding stock and bonr service 1049 I.udwig Ave 18-MO. Suffolk ram. purebred will trade for ewes Tunstall. Rt 1.

Box 185. Guerne-ville Telephone 22-V-11. HORSESHOEING erv anywhere Ph 19L'4-W Stuart Peterson Rabbit Breeders Attn: Rabbits ran now bp delivered if I A Jenny. 2109 Waltzrr Rd Santa Hosn on Mondavi and Turs days for the Harvev Rabbit Co. "DEAD STOCK- WANTED TOP PRICES PAID Ph collect Petaluma 2-2241 Cadet Bros Tallow Soap Co Bull Service 1889 Steele Lane Phone 1597-1 PAIOMINO horse at stud Gold en Bombardier 3925 101 Hwv Phone 89-R-2 Ingram DEAD AND WORN-OUT STOCK Wanted Phone DIPOSAI PI ANT BOAR Service 3 i7c Weaner pigs Ph 115-R-3.

3983 Walker Ave 46 Farm Equipment F'ARMALL-A. vacuum I'ft, power takeoff, belt pullov, lights, starter, wheel weights: 14" plow: mower. I.l'tlr used, $950. Also shallow veil pressure system. $25 Ph.

RIDING tractor, plow, cultivator and dc Exceilrn cond. $3-10. Phone 3880 THYS MILLEP portable hop-picking machine. Inquire at Bank of America Trust Department. Sana Roea Bale Ties $7.85 PER DOUBLE BUNDLE STEVENSON EQUIPMENT CO INC 2ND AND S.

R. PHONE 30)0 2 H.P. garden tractor, plow and CUITivaTO. jeweil vve riep THREE wheel Merrufv tractor. ama nosa irucK service 54 8 2nd St FOR SALE Galvan 'ized irrigation nine.

1400 ft. of 6" at 25c, 1150 ft of 10" at 35c. Phone Santa Rosa 927. LAST CALL The good tractors are going fast there are still some left. Caterpillar DA DOZER, LOGGING WINCH Allis-Chalmers HD-10 DOZER LOGGING WINCH John Deere Overhauled.

Good Farmall Equipment Inc. Batteries, $7.95 EXCHANGE GUARANTEE WESTERN OIL 39c Gal. in Your Container EASTERN OIL 54c Gal. in Your Container Johnson Bros. Ill SEBASTOPOL ROAD NEAR TRACKS PHONE 2577 '49 to 52 Ford dual intake chrome manifold and Itnkage Ph 3659-R BARGAINS EVERY DAY AT Elmer's Trading Post 56 MILL HEAI.DSBURG BRAND NEW Why pav more! 5 U.

Royal Master white side-wall tires, goo-15. $55 each, total $275 Ph. 4972-W 3173 Carve Dri ve Use OUR WHOLESALE FOOD PLAN Purchase of Freezer not Required You Buy Only What You Eat! Meats and Frozen Foods Freezer Supplies Locker Rental HEAI.DSBURG FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS 324 CENTER ST PHONE 478 HEALDSBURG Celloglass Windows 5x41 STFEI FRAME Ideal for chicken houses, barns, patios, hot houses, etc Government surphi" 50 VALUE. SPEC $195 WINDOW SCREENS, steel frame 36x42 Will 'it above windows A REAI BUY AT 75c Friedman Bros. 17 East W-shinton Ph 2-76R7 PETALUMA HOFFMAN amplifier, vnlutone mike price ouick Ph.

806 The World's Most Pofiular CHAIN SAWS McCULLOCH SALES PARTS SERVICE Guaranteed Used Saws AL! MAKES AI.I PRICES STEVENSON Equipment Inc. 2ND SANTA ROSA PH 30U SILVA'S Quality Meats FOR LOCKER OR HOMF FREEZER Nothing Down 40 DAYS TILL FIRST PAYMENT Home Freezer Meats Locker Meats Locker Rental MONTGOMERY VILLAGE TEI EPHONE 1171 CAR OWNERS! These summer specials are prired for a fast sale. Buy now while sunply lasts: SUN VISORS $9 15 Make driving easier LUGGAGE CARRIERS $13 75 Cor top of car 9 sq ft SCISSOR JACKS $5 25 Very special price JOHNSON'S AUTO PARTS 1569 Sebastopol Rd Phone 150 RE-ROOF NOW A Johns-Manvi'le LIFETIME root expertlv applied will add new beauty and protection to YOUE HOME NO MONEY DOWN LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS J-M Certified Contractor Western Builders 1340 Snta Rosa Ave. Ph 100: 1 Year More' Wear For Average Driver WHEN YOU USE 100 Cold Rubber Guaranteed Recaps ALL STYLES- AL! SIZES 500x17 800x18 800x17 475x19 525x18 KSOxlS 700x17 550x18 5110x20 450x21 525x21 600x20 30x20 700x15 30x5 Truck 850x20 700x15 32x8 780x15 820x15 710x21 750x20 Truck 85x20 Truck Dempsey's Tire Shop 822 Santa Rosa Ave. Phone 27 Tires All Sizes 50c AND UP 1000 TO CHOOSF FROM Used Body Parts LARGF ASSORTMENT 1000 Wheels TO FIT A.

LI MAKES A. B. C. Auto Wreckers B49 SEBASTOPOI ED PH 172! SAVE Bulk Mohawk Gasoline Delivered For Cash to Farmers PREMIUM GAL. ETHYL.

22c GAL First Grade Stove Oil Delivered 13c GAL Call Brownie's Service Station Ph 2278. Seb 2848 2-WHEEL trailer. 1125: 5-h out board motor. $110: 'a bed. spring mattress, dresser.

$30: gold-silver- chrome plating outfit like new $25: saddle, silver ornaments ir $700. take half 2985 Rennet Val lev Road Telephone 2732-W LUMBER Must be wrecked Will trade for lot or car Phone 504 WELL pulveri7ed cow manure Win deliver Phone 14-J-ll. ROAD hazard guaranteed tires 600x18 or 870x15. $9 95 each OK RUBBER WELDERS 3vi-5lh St Near Freeway. 925 Main St Pet Near ritv limits LUMBER Random sires and lengths Bridge Timbers Sheetrock llac ft.

Bathtubs, S8 and 10 Laths 40c bundle. Galv nionles and fittings. 10c ea Nutting' Wrecking 3264 Rdwd Hwy So North aide of El Crvstal Trailer Camo 39 Pets FREE KITTENS I black male. 1 tiger female 842 Sonoma Ave CHIHUAHUA pup. Persian kitten 112 Hull St.

WANT short haired huntin dog. over 1 yr. Phone 5923-J. PARAKEETS Bugies talking strain. Zebra Finchs.

808 Orchard 2 TOY TERRIER puds. Male-Female. 458 Goodman. co*ckER puppies Siamese kitttns ANTIQUE R. Prussia China lee.

port. "Phonograph: trailer tee borings; sgte. bed. 740 Charles Upholstering By Macson 6111 REDWOOD HWY. NORTH PHONE WINDSOR 51-Y-13 EARLY American dining room et witn large Dutch hutch.

$200. Call Forestviile 2rS2. WING CHAIR Almost brsr.d new: cost $180: lei' for 95. Ph. 349-J IN SEBASTOPOL U-ed Washing Machine 34 lo Used Refrigerator $49.50 Used Twin Beds Complete Box and excel, cond Used Chesterfield $24 50 Used Steamer Trunk $24 50 NEW ROSI.EY REFRIGERATORS.


2186 SACRIFICE antique sideboard an map'e bedroom set. 1052 Second 3 be. bedroom set. nice 69 50 3-burner gas range $34 50 Cribs, rire $6 95 un New 8 2 ft refr'e with freezer, close out at ''89 30 General Furn. Co.

425 Third Sr Phone 659 SAVE AT SEEI YE'S 120 He-sel Rd Seb. Tel. 2873 Open Dailv-Evenings Terms ANTIQUES Lovely Walnut Sofa $75 3 Matching Chairs 1 Pair Walnut Chairs Old Mah. Hiboy Unique Walnut Chair 4 Victorian Chairs Sarouk Hearth Rug Walnut Sew. Rocker Marble Top Tab'e $25 sa $19 ea 85 $195 $31 ea $35 $8 $91 WHY PAY MORE? 2 Gua-an'eed Casem*nt $1 40 yd $3 Guaranteed Casem*nt $2 20 yd $1 50 Fail'e.

13 Col. 89c yd $2 Glazed Chintz $1 25 yd $2.85 Sail Cloth $1 98 Best Grade Satten 75c vr $3 Unusual Prints $2.20 yd $5 Unhnlsterv Fabrics 3.50 yd $54 Braided Rugs. 9 bv 12 39 $21 Ranch Ruc 9 bv 12 $16 75 BEAUTIFUI crocheted bedspread Reesonable Phone 4974-R Warehouse Prices Bed Divan $19.30 2- pc. Chesterfield mohair $59 50 T. T.

Stove $29 50 Wood Range, pore. $17. 5c 3- pc. Dresser Suite $95.00 4- nc. Brkf- '14 50 Casserlv Furn.

Co. 511O Flhs Street Phone I RUYUSErr PIANOS Carl Edwards Phone 1921-1311 FR1FZF rue. ninno. bedrm set tables. vanity.

chairs. springs mattresses, tools, etc Phone 504 Wr NEED Good Used Furniture tools, chma. glass and miscellane ous article Phone 3762 WOODY SECOND HAND STOR 31 1 Street UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE OUR SPECIALTY BEST WORKMANSHIP AT LOWEST PRICES COM PI KTF MATTRESS SERV The MASTFRCRAF1 I ni 2 St between ano Montgomery Dr Phone 2294 Wt BUY USED FURNITURF Bobbett's Furniture 527 Shannnnl Phone 3802-M DON'T DO IT! Don't throw out that old chair or sofa We'll make it like new again in modern Ft.vlmg and colors at sm-tll cost Quality draperies at all oricet Home Upholstery Shop Pennerove Ph. Petaluma 5-4019 25 fc OFF ON I. UPHOLSTERY.

DRAPERY AND SLIPCOVER FABRICS Week nnlv to June 2R. FERRY'S UPHOLSTERY 2l'5'2 Sebastonol Ave Ph. 38 For Sale Misc. LUMBER. No.

2. Enough to make a small house. Wi se 1 at cost. Rt. 1.

Box 218, Railroad Avenue. Calif. WH17ZER motorbike, excel, SHI. l.ven-i::c. 004 street 5-ROOM house to wreck.

Inquire 250 Bodepa Sebastopol Old Wall Tents Beyond repair As $3.00 ea Tent and Awning Co. Mriidnrim Phone 845 CHAIN SAW. Model 11 Mall, new chrome chaui. extra extra chain, excellent, purchased March "S'. l'Kht weight.

$310. Rt. 1, Box 3n7. 111 H'eSu- cotati VACATION SALE DRESSES GIRLS' COATS AND JACKETS BOYS JACKtTS A-B-C Tot-to-Teen Shop 127 Mam St. Ph.

2-4078 A I. A USED TRACTORS CUTTERS DISC HARROWS PLOWS Tomasini Implement Co 319 Third St Phone 2-8722 PETALUMA HOT? C.FT A MITCHELL WINDOW PORTABLE REFRIGERATED AIR CONDITIONER NOW AND KEEP COOL! CLOSEOUT PRICES ACT NOW Al Nicholson 305 Seh. -Mope! Ave. Phone 1118 Fireworks For The Fourth KING'S 421 Fourth St. Phone 354 1OO0-LB steel platform scale: 7 cu.

ft. Westinghouse refrigerator: Mavtag washing machine. A-l cond Box 69. W. Cotati Co-tati Phone Petaluma 5-4934.

LOGGING DOLLY Without tires and 5th wheel. 840 First Street. Phone 4387. Fire Works Large Selection of Safe and Sane fireworks for young and old. COME HERE FIRST! A.

F. Tomasini Hdw. Co. 120 Kentucky St. Ph.

2-2721 PETALUMA IRON'RtTF. mangle, excel, cond $125: 1 rural mall box with red wood post, cheap: concrete dDi wash trays reas. 2106 Albany Dr Ph 1279-W. EVERY day in manv a way you'll use xo ngnien cteenin rugs rsneciallv. Hardisty's, corner 4th and Sts IT'S a cinch to keep linoleum clean and bright without waxng with new rilavn SELI OR TRADE New tractor.

Agricat. with dort blade, value $1105. at discount 1 '49 Ford 'a T. PU $1,000, extra good value one or both for good lot in R. or acreage plus cash Calistoga 2-8872 Orchard Rollers And Pulverizers SOLD AND RENTED AI SO ESUIMENT John Sloss Co.

3035 REDWD HY. SO 4218 Portable Hav Racks WATER TROUGHS FEED HOPPERS Stonitsch Arvold Lumber Millwork Remanutacturis RDWD HWY NO. PETALUMA Pumping Equipment Service Repairs Harvey M. Berglund 333 SECOND ST Phone 358 IRRIGATION PUMPS PIPE LONG-TERM FINANCING Binkley Pump Service 2(9 Roberts Ave Telephone 1328-W 47 Poultry RED and white frvers. 35c lb 2': to 4 lhs 19-15 Redwd Hwy So MlUNG fancy turkeys.

36c lb: red fryers. 34c lb: capons, 38c ih Jaffe. Route 1 'Box 34ri. Mvrtie Ave Cotati 3HO W. 18 rnths $1 00 each: 3'io W.

11 rnths. $125 each 299? Bluchcr Viilev Rd Sebastopol W. pullets, 3'j vac Newcastle: Kmitirr 3335 Phi'lins Ave Phone 25-R-12. t.AI;l hatched 1 pullet- QTraub Mock Sell any purrbr Reasonable. Peter Dai'C .1.

Box 42. 1 St Petaluma RKF.LDF.R pigeons for sale Heav-large squab producers White and Silver Kings Ahout 150 pair Reasonable Ca'l 8184-W. DUCKS, GFFSF. ALL AGES 4243 STONY POINT ROAD WE RU'i A'. I CLASSES Live Poultrv PHONE 4813-W 5770-W ALSO FRESH POUITRY SALE? Santa Rosa Poultry 940 I.UDWIG AVENUE TURKFYS 2.000- 8 weels old Minimum of 10.

5819 Sonoma Hwy Ph. 182B-W CHICKEN PICKING Custom dressing any amount-no lot too large or mall reasonable rKcs KitlinM cutting and wrapping for frro7-crs 1145 I.udwig Ave Ph 55-J -3 We Buv Poultry TONY CAMOZZI. 126 Fifth St Phone 1105 or 571 -W FRYERS ready for deep freeze 45c lb Live 34c Rt 1. Box 308 101 Cotati. Ph Pet 5-4279 PR AGER'S POUITRY RANCH FRESH red frvers 49c dressed Fresh fricassee 35c dressed Crack ed eggs 29c do? 1145 Ludwig Ave It's Hart's Hatchery for chicks for ducklings for turkey noult 935 McConnel! Ave Ph 3373-M RECHFTTI I I I.

1 dealers live poultry 1455 Stonv Point Road Phone 2397-W HEN CUI LING. CAPSUI ING CHAS CARI.SEN Rt 2. Box 181. Pet 2-7740 TOP PRICES PAID FOR QUALITY LIVE POULTRY PRIME POULTRY CO 128 Santa Rosa Ave Ph Poultry Wanted All kinds, ton prices paid: need laving hens Robert Connor Wilson Street Phone 2055 I. CH1X 302 EAST HURLBUT AVENUE.

SEBASTOPOL WANTEp 5.000 hens; 1 vear to 3 vears old Bakar Bros. Rt 1 Box 398 Petaluma Phone 5-4908 lino I. PULLETS. 3 mos. old Kimber stock, vnee $14 do7 Rt.

1. Box 348. Mvrt'r Cotati 48 Poultry Equipment POULTRY EQUIPMENT HEN CAGES GROWING CAGES RABBIT CAGES AUTOMATIC FEED HOPPERS 1200-LB TURKEY HOPPERS ECU A.N II Al DRIVE FFEDERS MAGIC. FGG CLEANERS WELDED WIRr 'y HI GA 1" 2' 14 GA 8 FT AM OTHER SIZES PRIDE Or PKTAI UMA BROODER STOVF CO 815 MAIN PH 2-935S PE'l ALUM A 49 Moving, Hauling. S'orage Wareh ousc Service Storing hand'Tig rchandi-e of all kinds.

Car loading and un- --ng Merchants Warehouse Service 134 Foiev c- Phone 3937-R ALEXANDER'S VAN STORAGE 107 A Street Phone 1944 50 For Rent. Houses 2-BEDPOOM HOME 725 OAK ST. 3 BEDROOM unfurn. house in town- 2 bdrm. unfurn.

house in Phone 83:2. 4-ROOM cottage. 2 children OK Utilities furnished. $45 month. 525 Railroad Street.

Graton. 4-ROOM house and 3 acres. 5235 Montecito Ave. Phone 28I7-J. 5-ROOM house, furnished.

Couple, small child 4 miles south S.R. Inquire 590 Bellevue Road. AVAILABLE NOW. Nice 3-bdrm. house, Lewis District.

$100 mo Option to buy. Phone 157-J-ll. RI.NCON VALLEY. If you would like an exclusive, ouiet. unfurnished, large 2-roorn cottage.

$42 50 per montr Phone 287-R. FOR RENT 3-hedroom house. 1950 Armory Drive. Owner on premises Sunday. 11 to 3.

3-BDRM. home, stove. Frig on 1 ac, avail. July 7, $85 mo. 4711 SuT-hlne Ave.

Ph. 5880-R-2. FURNISHED house. Day, week or month. On creek in redwoods Box 1380, Press Democrat INTERESTED in working for half your rent? Furnished house in country.

Not farm or resort, permanent Box 1859. D. FURN. 2-bdrm. home, $80 mo.

Juiv 1 to Oct I. 4803 Sonoma Hv. ATTRACTIVE 3-room house, bath. util. rm good transn.

1 block off. 101 Hwy. $50 113 Todd Rd FURN. house. $80.

1835 Ronnie off Bennett Vlv. Rd. 5882-R-2 2 BEDRM. cottage, yard, garage. Adu'tx Call after 5 m.

4255-J NICE 5 room house. Unfurnished. Close in city. bus. $85 couple only, no pets.

740 Tuppcr. Owner next door. 3 ROOM house, nicely furn gar-age $85 707 Mill, ph. 5217-M. ONE bedrm stove, refrig hrd-wd.

floors, garage. New unfurn. 2 hrdwd floors, tub and stall shower, garage. 1522 15th St $55 MO. 2-hdrm.

unfurn house: children O. 3335 Primrose Ave At Bellevue Union School. 3-ROOM attractive cottage, jlect. stove, garage. $59.

In-j 775 Mark West Spring! Rd. Phon 6081-J-l. NIC ELY furnished apt. Frig Ilea' Close in. Adults 3', I Tenth St.

FURN. 3-rm. ant I'tilities paid Telephone 5823jL For Results Use This Classified Ad Order Charge name Add ress Phone Please Print Your Date's to publish copy I.CIVTI.V 3-rni furni-hed riecorafd. closo m. reasno 8fi Johp-ou St Phone l'i7 AT 2 ROOM apt.

Pi.rllv fur 11. fa' nioiilli. 215 f'airingion St ROOM and kitchenette, $3 111 eluding utilities N'o nets Lad-, preferred 211 he- 'nut New Duplex Apts. Occupancy within weeks per month Inside city limits- lc. living room larg kit' i n.

attaclied garage Charles A. Carniglia 481 Col-ege A'-e Phone 871 LOVELY modern 2-bdrm duplex unfurnished Convenient location $73. Telephone 2972 I NEW 1 -bedim, unfurn. ant m. adult- onlv $70 Ph LOVELY furn.

new apt mod convert Aduiv R' as Mu-t see appro. -iat'-. 1052 2nd St 3-KOOM unflirnisherl apt. Stove refrigerator, garage. Close jn In quire 37 Washington Strert 2 ROOM furn 535.

util included. 927 Stewart St. Ph. 1329-V. or 3834-1! MOD.

3-rm. duplex Partly furnished. Adult- No pets. Inouirr 1000 Spring Street 3-ROOM furn apt pri bath Adults onlv. 812 Cwrrv St NEW furn duplex 3 rmc and bath All utilities paid $85 mo 857 Steele Lane Phone 4501 -M 4-ROOM furn apt.

Utilities included $75 month. Adults only Permanent couple pfd Phone 1805 2 RM furn ant ''tlllties naid 2908 Redwd. Hwy So DOWNTOWN 3-rm furn. apt steam heated. Ph 4(148 or 544P, NEW modern stove, refrig ven, blinds car.

Phone 5720-W BFAUT. pew 3-room unfurn duplex. 1571 King $85 Ph. 2897-1 2 ROOMS, priv. bath.

Everything furnished. Util. paid. per mo Miller Guest. Ranch.

Guerneville Phori" 235: Santa Rosa Phone 5085 2-RM furn pd Phone 3878-W 138 Lincoln St IN SANTA ROSA. F'urn 4-rrn util. Adults. Ph Seb 2928 LARGE unfurn 3-room apartment stove. Two children Phonr 91-R-12 2345, West College 3-RM furn ant Lone Birch Apt? 747 5'h St Montgomery Village J-rm turn apts.

close to shoo Ding $65 including utilities CODDING HOMES 500 Farmers Lane Phone 5085 S'FW modern 1-bdrm abt un furn. Elect stove, stall shower, ven blinds: 2 blocks center of town; $75 807 Cherry St. NEW 2-bdrm duplex Tile kitchen and bath. Is vard. free water month Call 737 weekdays 52 For Rent, Rooms A MOTHER and daughter would like to share their home Phone 2840 days, 113-M evenings.

ROOM and board in modern home for working couple is an nr-eomri-oHationii Reas price 1038 Stonv Point Rd. Phone 8377-W ATT. bdrm. with electric plate If desired. 811 Third mon 0100.

Classification rtte ia atuen at leai anl P'Min Hoium Eoi Sal Cta Mail to The Press Democrat Classified Advrrtisins Oept 427 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa, Calif. SADDLES CUSTOM MADE AND USFD ALSO RIDING EQUIPMENT EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE CmeryVSaddlery til SO. A ST. FHOKI J0J1-W JNTJ AND S. R.

PHONX 119 iii beDastODOl no. The Golden West Store. 611 8th EL "i a i i-tr Ti i- -i i -j A ei ri.

The Press Democrat from Santa Rosa, California (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.