Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (2024)

Located to the west of Cianwood City and accessible through Routes 47 and 48, the Safari Zone is a new addition to the region of Johto, and boasts many Pokemon from all four regions in the series. The Safari Warden, Baoba, has added innovative features to make this incarnation of the Safari Zone different from any you've encountered in previous games. Firstly, you will meet Baoba on Route 39, just east of the Miltank Farm, where you will receive his number. After healing Amphy at the Olivine Lighthouse, Baoba will call you on the PokeGear to tell you the Safari Zone is open.

Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (1)

At its basic form, the Safari Zone comes with six areas that contain different Pokemon in each. The Pokemon available will also change depending on whether it is day, morning or night. You will be given 30 Park Balls and your session at the Safari Zone will expire when all your balls have been used up. There is no footstep limit. When you encounter wild Pokemon, you have four options: throw ball, throw bait, throw mud or run. Throwing bait makes a Pokemon less likely to run, but harder to catch; throwing mud does the opposite.

Owner Aptitude Test

Baoba will invite you to participate in the Owner Aptitude Test. Progression is required to gain access to other features of the Safari Zone. The first challenge is simple: find a Geodude in the Safari Zone and capture it, then show it to Baoba. You will find Geodude in the first area you come to (the Peak area) so this shouldn't be hard at all.

Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (2)

Some time later, Baoba will call you on your PokeGear and invite you to take part in the second challenge, which requires the use of the new Area Customization feature. This lets you swap out or rearrange one of the current areas with another area - there are a total of 12 areas to choose from. You'll need to swap out one of the existing areas for the Desert, where Baoba will require a Sandshrew to be caught.

Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (3)

After you've shown Baoba your Sandshrew, and after you've obtained the National Dex, he'll let you know about the final feature of the Safari Zone: Object Arrangement. Here, you can place up to 30 objects in an area for decorative purposes. However, some of the objects will attract Pokemon not normally found in a particular area. There are a total of 24 objects, 6 of which will be initially available. Baoba will call you another three times, giving you 6 extra objects each time.

Area Customization

Customization is done on the touch screen. Select an area to switch out, or rearrange the existing tiles to your liking. The following is a list of all the available areas. Click on them for more information, including their object requirements and Pokemon available.

Desert Forest
Marshland Meadow
Mountain Peak
Plains Rocky Beach
Savannah Swamp
Wasteland Wetland

Object Arrangement

As mentioned before, the objects that Baoba give you may draw out certain Pokemon not normally found in a particular area. An object can draw out Plains Pokemon, Forest Pokemon, Rocky area Pokemon and Water-side Pokemon, or none of the aforementioned, in which case it is there for asthetic purposes only. Rarer Pokemon will start appearing if you place enough objects that meet the requirement for that area; examples of requirements could be 3 Plains objects or 7 Water objects.

Each area keeps a counter of the number of days it has been used. Over time, the objects in a particular area will upgrade in effectiveness towards the requirement. This means that instead of counting as one object, it can count as multiple objects - thus the area requirement is more easily achievable.

x 1DefaultDefaultDefaultDefault
x 210 days20 days30 days40 days
x 350 days60 days70 days80 days
x 490 days100 days110 days120 days
x 5130 days140 days150 days160 days
x 6170 days180 days190 days200 days
x 7210 days220 days230 days240 days

For example, if the Savannah Area has been in use for 27 days, then a Plains object placed there will count as 2 Plains objects, a Forest object will count as 2 Forest objects but a Rock object will count as 1 Rock object.

The following is a list of all the objects available.

Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (16) ShrubberyPlainsA thick tuft of grass. The Pokémon on the Plains seem to like it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (17) Red FlowerPlainsA very intensely colored flower. The Pokémon on the Plains seem to like it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (18) White FlowerPlainsA very tenderly colored flower. The Pokémon on the Plains seem to like it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (19) TreeForestA somewhat short tree. The Pokémon in the Forest seem to like it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (20) StumpForestA remainder from a tree that was cut down. The Pokémon in the Forest seem to like it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (21) BranchesForestA pile of broken branches. The Pokémon in the Forest seem to like it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (22) Small RockRockA smallish round rock. The Pokémon in the rocky Areas seem to like it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (23) Big RockRockA big, scraggy rock. The Pokémon in the rocky Areas seem to like it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (24) Mossy RockRockA mossy rock. The Pokémon in the rocky Areas seem to like it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (25) PuddleWaterWater collected on the ground. The Pokémon by the water seem to like it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (26) FountainWaterYou can place it using Surf. The Pokémon by the water seem to like it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (27) Water HoleWaterCool, delicious drinking water. The Pokémon by the water seem to like it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (28) BenchNoneA long and thin bench. The kind you would find in any park or rest area.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (29) Short Fence1NoneA short, horizontal fence. If you used a few of these, you could probably enclose a lake or flower patch.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (30) Short Fence2NoneA short, vertical fence. If you used a few of these, you could probably enclose a lake or flower patch.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (31) Long Fence1NoneA long, horizontal fence. If you used a few of these, you could probably enclose a lake or flower patch.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (32) Long Fence2NoneA long, vertical fence. If you used a few of these, you could probably enclose a lake or flower patch.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (33) SignboardNoneA signboard made of wood. If you planted a stake in the ground, you could post this sign on it.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (34) Your StatueNoneA stone statue made in your image. If you placed this, you could really get the sense of being a great hero.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (35) Your FlagNoneYour own flag that you drew. If you placed this, you could really get the sense of being the ruler of the land.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (36) Outside LampNoneAn electric light that illuminates the Area. If placed in the darkness, it could create a beautiful path of light.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (37) Guidepost(R)NoneA sign pointing right. Any person who sees this would naturally want to go find out what it could be pointing to.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (38) Guidepost(L)NoneA sign pointing left. Any person who sees this would naturally want to go find out what it could be pointing to.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (39) Trash CanNoneA trash can for disposing of litter. If you have any litter, be sure to throw it away or take it with you.
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver :: The Johto Safari Zone (2024)


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