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Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver?Michael Greenstone and Ishan NathMAY 2019

Eric Hernandez

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Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver?∗

Michael Greenstone†

Ishan Nath‡

May 9, 2019


Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) are the largest and perhaps most popular climate policy in

the US, having been enacted by 29 states and the District of Columbia. Using the most compre-

hensive panel data set ever compiled on program characteristics and key outcomes, we compare

states that did and did not adopt RPS policies, exploiting the substantial differences in timing

of adoption. The estimates indicate that 7 years after passage of an RPS program, the required

renewable share of generation is 1.8 percentage points higher and average retail electricity prices

are 1.3 cents per kWh, or 11% higher; the comparable figures for 12 years after adoption are a 4.2

percentage point increase in renewables’ share and a price increase of 2.0 cents per kWh or 17%.

These cost estimates significantly exceed the marginal operational costs of renewables and likely

reflect costs that renewables impose on the generation system, including those associated with their

intermittency, higher transmission costs, and any stranded asset costs assigned to ratepayers. The

estimated reduction in carbon emissions is imprecise, but, together with the price results, indicates

that the cost per metric ton of CO2 abated exceeds $115 in all specifications and ranges up to

$530, making it least several times larger than conventional estimates of the social cost of carbon.

These results do not rule out the possibility that RPS policies could dynamically reduce the cost

of abatement in the future by causing improvements in renewable technology.1

∗Working paper. Comments welcome.†University of Chicago and NBER‡University of Chicago1Thank: We thank Frank Wolak, Ken Gillingham, Nancy Rose, Matt Zaragoza-Watkins, Chris Knittel, Dick

Schmalensee, James Bushnell, Koichiro Ito, and participants at the MIT Public Finance and Industrial OrganizationLunches, UC Berkeley Energy Camp, Harvard Environmental Economics Lunch, and MIT CEEPR meetings for theircomments. We also thank Catherine Che and Henry Zhang for providing excellent research assistance. Contactinformation: [emailprotected], [emailprotected].


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1 Introduction

Even as evidence mounts on the costs of climate change, the United States has had great difficulty

developing significant and enduring policy responses, particularly in the power sector which is a

primary source of greenhouse gas emissions. One major exception has been renewable portfolio

standards (RPS) that require that a certain percentage of electricity supply in a state is met by

generation from sources that are designated as renewable. The first RPS was passed in Iowa in 1991

and since then others have followed suit. As of 2015, RPS policies have been enacted in 29 states

and the District of Columbia, which together account for 62% of electricity generation.2 Further,

the ambition of these policies has grown dramatically. In the early years of implementation, RPS

policies typically required increases in the renewables share of electricity of a couple of percentage

points, but states have greatly ramped up their ambitions, with, for example, 2030 targets of 41%

(Massachusetts), 44% (Connecticut), 50% (New York), and 60% (California). Indeed, RPS have

been credited with greatly expanding the penetration of renewable technologies, most frequently

wind and solar, which rose from 0.1% of all generation in the United States in 1990 to 5.3% in 2015

. Further, their penetration rate has increased greatly in recent years and indeed they accounted

for approximately half of the new installed capacity since 2010.3

Despite the popularity of these policies, there is little if any systematic evidence on RPS’ impacts

on electricity prices or carbon emissions. A common approach to estimating their costs is to

calculate the difference in costs associated with a RPS– that is, compare the costs of a renewable

plant with the costs of a fossil fuel plant that it replaces. This type of calculation entails comparing

the levelized cost of energy (LCOE), calculated by dividing the total direct costs associated with

investment in new capacity by expected total lifetime energy production. The latest data from

the Energy Information Administration’s Annual Energy Outlook (EIA, 2019) suggests that solar

and wind plants can produce electricity at about 6 cents per kWh, while a natural gas combined

cycle plant produces at roughly 4 cents per kWh. Since to date RPS policies have only increased

renewable penetration by a few percentage points, it is this type of comparison of LCOEs that lead

observers to suggest that RPS policies have had only a minimal impact on electricity prices; one

recent study found that they increase retail electricity bills by about 2% (see, e.g., Barbose (2018)).

However, this comparison of LCOEs misses three key ways in which renewables impose costs on

the electricity generation system that need to be covered and are reflected in retail prices but can

be difficult to observe directly or measure systematically. First, and most obviously, renewables by

their very nature are intermittent sources of electricity. Solar plants cannot provide power when

the sun doesn’t shine and wind plants cannot provide it when the wind isn’t blowing. On average,

utility scale solar plants have a capacity factor (i.e., average power generated divided by its peak

potential supply over the course of a year) of about 25% and wind plants are not much higher at

2An additional seven states enacted non-binding targets under similar programs.3This fact comes from Bushnell et al. (2017).


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34% according to the EIA. This means that a comparison of LCOEs between these intermittent

sources and “baseload” technologies that “always” operate (e.g., natural gas combined cycle plants

have capacity factors of 85%) is very misleading with respect to total system costs, because they

do not account for the additional costs necessary to supply electricity when they are not operating.

For example, given current cost structures, the installation of renewables are frequently paired with

the construction of natural gas “peaker” plants that can quickly and relatively inexpensively cycle

up and down, depending on the the availability of the intermittent resource.

Second, renewable power plants require ample physical space, are often geographically dispersed,

and are frequently located away from population centers, all of which raises transmission costs above

those of fossil fuel plants. A literature review of transmission cost estimates for wind power by the

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) finds a median estimate of about $300 per kW,

or about 15% of overall wind capital costs (Mills et al., 2009). This is approximately equivalent to

adding 1.5 cents per kWh to the levelized cost of generation for wind. More generally, a separate

analysis by the Edison Electric Institute in 2011 found that 65% of a representative sample of

all planned transmission investments in the US over a ten-year period, totaling almost $40 billion

for 11,400 miles of new transmission lines, were primarily directed toward integrating renewable

generation.4 The highly disproportionate share of transmission requirements for renewables relative

to their share of generation highlights the importance of accounting for the associated costs as part

of the total cost of renewable energy.

Third, RPS driven increases in renewable energy penetration can also raise total energy system

costs by prematurely displacing existing productive capacity, especially in a period of flat or de-

clining electricity consumption. Adding new renewable installations, along with associated flexibly

dispatchable capacity, to a mature grid infrastructure may create a glut of installed capacity that

renders some existing baseload generation unnecessary. The costs of these “stranded assets” do not

disappear and are borne by some combination of distribution companies, generators, and ratepay-

ers. Thus, the early retirement or decreased utilization of such plants can cause retail electricity

rates to rise even while near zero marginal cost renewables are pushing down prices in the wholesale

market. The incidence of excess capacity costs on ratepayers is likely greater in regulated markets

with vertical integration, although even in deregulated markets there are various mechanisms for

direct payments to producers unconnected to actual generation that can contribute to the rates

consumers face.5 Overall, there exists no comprehensive source of data on payments to displaced

electricity producers, and even the availability of such information would not provide an obvious

path to attributing these costs to the integration of renewables. Like many of the other ancillary

4The Edison Electric Institute collected a representative sample of transmission projects totaling over $61 billionfrom their members, who cover about 70% of the total US electricity market. See EEI (2011) and Mills et al. (2009).

5For instance, ISO New England made over $1 billion of capacity market payments unconnected to actual gener-ation in 2013, comprising 12% of their total wholesale market expenditures. Over 95% of these payments supportedexisting, rather than new, capacity. The Independent System Operator for New England covers production in Con-necticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. They publish capacity market informa-tion in their annual market report: https://www.iso-ne.com/static-assets/documents/2015/05/2014-amr.pdf.


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costs of renewable energy integration, directly observing the total costs associated with stranded

capacity is unlikely to be feasible.

As an alternative to what we believe is the nearly impossible task of directly measuring each of

the mechanisms by which RPS policies influence costs, this paper compares states that did and did

not adopt RPS policies, using the most comprehensive panel data set ever compiled on program

characteristics and key outcomes from 1990-2015. Importantly, there is variation in the timing of

the adoption of RPS programs across states, which lends itself to powerful event-study style figures

that reveal no meaningful evidence of pre-existing different trends in outcomes between adopting

and non-adopting states. Further, we are able to control for a series of potentially confounding

electricity policies.

There are three key findings. First, RPS policies’ statutory requirements for renewable gener-

ation frequently overstate their net impact on generation, because they often include generation

that existed at the time of the policy’s passage. For example, six years after Minnesota adopted its

RPS policy, its statutory or total requirement was that renewables account for 14.2% of generation.

Yet at the time of adoption, renewables already accounted for 5.3% of generation. So, its net re-

quirement in this year was 8.9%. Due to the substantial heterogeneity in the form and structure of

RPS policies, it is challenging to estimate the net requirements and there is no common source for

this information. For a handful of states in our sample, even the gross requirement differs across

data sources. Nevertheless, our best estimates are that 7 years after adoption the average adopting

states’ net requirement was 1.8% of generation and 12 years after it was 4.2%.

Second, electricity prices increase substantially after RPS adoption. The estimates indicate

that in the 7th year after passage average retail electricity prices are 1.3 cents per kWh or 11%

higher, totaling about $30 billion in the RPS states. And, 12 years later they are 2.0 cents, or 17%,

higher. The estimated increases are largest in the residential sector, but there are economically

significant price increases in the commercial and industrial sectors too. These estimates are robust

to controlling for local shocks to electricity costs in a variety of ways. Given the price increases, we

also test for impacts on economic activity and fail to find any impact on electricity consumption

or state level employment. There is some evidence of a decline in manufacturing employment, but

it would not be judged statistically significant by conventional criteria.

Third, the estimates indicate that passage of RPS programs leads to reductions in the generating

mix’s carbon intensity, although these estimates can be noisier and more sensitive to specification

than is ideal. The estimated decline in emissions intensity implies a reduction of 71-250 million

metric tons of CO2 across the 29 RPS states 7 years after passage. When the CO2 emissions

estimates are combined with the estimated impact on average retail electricity prices, the cost per

metric ton of CO2 abated exceeds $115 in all specifications and can range up to $530, making it

at least several times larger than conventional estimates of the social cost of carbon (Greenstone

et al., 2013; EPA, 2016).


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Our paper builds on previous work in the economics and engineering literatures that considers

the costs and benefits of renewable electricity generation and the impact of RPS programs in

particular. One significant line of existing research investigates how baseload, dispatchable, and

intermittent resources interact on the grid and how this affects the value of generation from the

respective sources and renewables in particular (Denholm and Margolis, 2007; Borenstein, 2008;

Lamont, 2008; Joskow, 2011; Cullen, 2013). Recent work by Gowrisankaran et al. (2016) has made

particular progress in quantifying the costs of intermittency, and their model resembles the one we

present in Section 3. This line of research in economics runs parallel to an engineering literature

that uses an energy systems modeling approach to evaluate similar questions (Milligan et al., 2011;

Jacobson et al., 2015).

The literature on RPS program impact in particular has thus far largely consisted of ex-ante im-

pact estimation. Fischer (2010) and Schmalensee (2012) document the conceptual issues underlying

the costs of these programs and Chen et al. (2007) survey pre-program prospective assessments,

often commissioned by states considering adoption. The median estimate projected that RPS

standards would raise retail prices by 0.7%, though the range of projections included significant

heterogeneity. The authors also note the importance of underlying assumptions, which focus on

capital infrastructure and fuel input costs. A limited body of post-implementation evaluations of

certain RPS programs has found slightly larger costs of approximately 2-4% (Heeter et al., 2014;

Tuerck et al., 2013), although this literature has largely taken place outside peer-reviewed journals

and generally does not account for all the ways these programs can affect system costs. An im-

portant exception to this is Upton and Snyder (2017), who use a difference-in-difference synthetic

controls framework to show that RPS programs substantially raise electricity prices and modestly

reduce emissions at the state-level.6

The paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 provides background on RPS policies and their typical

implementation. Section 3 constructs a model to explicate the channels through which integrating

renewable generation could raise costs. Section 4 outlines our data sources and presents summary

statistics on the electricity sector prior to RPS passage. Section 5 describes our empirical strategy,

and Section 6 presents and discusses the results. The paper then finishes with Interpretation and

Conclusion sections.

6Tuerck et al. (2013) and associated work by those authors also constitute exceptions to this pattern. They accountfor intermittency and other associated costs using techniques such as engineering estimates, and produce somewhathigher cost estimates of close to 5% of retail prices, though these are still smaller than the effects implied by ourestimates.


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2 Renewable Portfolio Standards

By 2009, 29 states and the District of Columbia had adopted mandatory portfolio standards, while

an additional seven states had passed optional standards.7 These programs currently cover 62%

of electricity generation in the US. Figure 1 is a map of the United States that indicates which

states have enacted RPS programs, with the colors indicating the years of enactment. Most RPS

programs require that retail electricity suppliers meet a percentage of demand with energy from

renewable sources.8 Once in place, the standard typically increases along a predefined schedule

until a specified fraction of generation is achieved. For example, California’s policy specifies a goal

of 33% retail sales from renewables by 2020, with interim targets of 20% by 2013 and 25% by

2016. While the standards sometimes exempt certain providers, most often smaller municipal or

cooperative suppliers, they cover 82% of electric load in a state on average.9

The key feature of RPS programs is that compliance requires production from a set of designated

technologies with the frequent motivation of aiming to help spur innovation that lowers those

technologies’ costs over time. In practice, the list always includes wind and solar, but whether

other technologies are included differs from state to state. Nuclear power is excluded from the

policy in all but two states (Massachusetts and Ohio), although it is also a zero carbon energy


Electricity providers must demonstrate compliance with the program through Renewable Energy

Credits, or RECs, which certify that a given unit of electricity production qualifies to meet the

standard. Most RECs are awarded by various regional authorities encompassing several states,

which issue unique serial numbers for every megawatt hour of generation produced by registered

generators. The approximate coverage of these systems is shown in Appendix Figure A.1. This

independent tracking seeks to prevent double counting of generation used for RPS compliance.

While there is some scope for transferring RECs between regional systems, in practice most RPS

compliance occurs within tracking regions, a fact we will return to later on when considering the

impact of RPS on generation outcomes.

Once awarded, credits can be sold separately from the underlying electricity, enabling flexible

transfer of the rights to environmental benefits and providing additional revenue to renewable

suppliers.10 In most cases, individual generators must be further approved by the state office

7West Virginia also passed an Alternative and Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard in 2009 with characteristicssimilar to an RPS but which we do not consider. While renewables received some preference in this program, a muchbroader set of generation sources qualified, including “Advanced Coal Technology,” and there was no guaranteedcompliance from renewable sources. This program was also repealed before its first binding requirement came intoeffect.

8Our data classify qualifying generation as one of wind, solar, biomass, geothermal, landfill gas, or ocean power,with some states also allowing small hydroelectric.

9The statistic on load covered comes from the North Carolina Clean Energy Center’s Database of State Incentivesfor Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE).

10A minority of RPS programs have the more stringent requirement that credits be “bundled” with electricitydelivered into the state, as demonstrated by transmission to a state balancing authority.


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administering the RPS to assure that they comply with the specific requirements for generators set

forth by that state. In restructured markets, retail providers then purchase RECs generated by these

approved facilities, either via brokers or directly through individual contracts. In non-restructured

markets, retail providers may also use RECs generated by their own renewable facilities. The

serial numbers of the RECs obtained are filed for compliance and their retirement verified with

the relevant tracking system. Depending on program rules, excess RECs may also be “banked” for

use in later years, though there are typically vintage restrictions requiring relatively recent credits

be used. Therefore, REC prices reflect the marginal costs of producing electricity from one of the

designated technologies, relative to the least expensive alternative, but they do not capture the

systemwide costs of supplying that electricity, which additionally reflect the costs associated with

intermittency, transmission, and compensating owners of stranded assets.

Most RPS programs enforce compliance using a system of Alternative Compliance Payments

(ACPs), which effectively fine retail providers for failing to acquire sufficient RECs to cover their

sales. These payments are large, averaging about $50 per MWh.11 Such penalties are substantial,

representing about half of the average revenue per MWh observed in 2011. In addition to a penalty,

ACPs also provide an effective cost-ceiling for the REC market, as they provide an outside option for

compliance. While in practice few retail suppliers fulfill their requirements through ACP payments,

REC markets in some states have periodically traded at the ACP level, suggesting that marginal

sources of compliance can be relatively high cost.

While statutory requirements like Maine’s 40% target appear quite large, they often ramp

up gradually from lower levels and may not reflect the amount of marginal generation actually

mandated by RPS policies. Intuitively, if an RPS requirement were entirely covered by existing

sources at its inception, in a competitive market we would expect producers to bid down the price

of RECs to zero. Distinguishing the amount of new renewable generation required to comply with

RPS policy is quite difficult in practice, since covered sources of generation vary from state to state

even within narrowly defined categories. For instance, some states allow small-scale hydropower

but not large-scale hydropower to qualify for their RPS. Further, six states, including Maine,

explicitly mandate that part of their RPS be met using newly constructed renewable capacity. Our

best estimate of the “net” requirement imposed by RPS policies takes the gross amount of MWh

required for RPS compliance, as reported by LBNL, and subtracts existing generation from the

broad categories of covered sources in the year prior to RPS passage.

Figure 3 reports each states’s total and net requirements as of seven years after the state passed

RPS legislation, ordering states by the calendar year in which they first adopted an RPS. While

these numbers do not fully account for the complications described above, they do show a clear

pattern of statutory requirements overstating the amount actually necessary to achieve compliance.

For instance, seven event years after passage, the gross requirement in Michigan is 6.2%, but the

11In the case of mandates for generation specifically from solar energy, they can climb even higher, sometimesexceeding $400 per MWh.


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net requirement after subtracting existing generation in the year of passage is only 2.6%. On

average, seven event years after RPS passage, RPS states have a total requirement of 5.1%, but a

substantially lower net requirement of 1.8%. In the remainder of the paper, we primarily focus on

estimates of net requirements, described in greater detail in Section 4.1.

Figure 2 plots the number of RPS programs passed into law in each year.12 The majority of

programs were not passed until after 2000. While a number of states adopted RPS policies during,

or subsequent to, broader electricity market restructuring, RPS programs have also been adopted

in a number of traditionally regulated markets. Figure 2 also plots real national average retail

electricity prices (right y-axis) which declined from about 12 cents per kWh to 10 cents per kWh

from 1990 through 2002 but by the end of the sample in 2015 returned to 12 cents per kWh.13 This

break in the decline in prices and subsequent upwards turn loosely corresponds with the number

of states that passed RPS programs in those years. Whether this relationship is causal will be

examined in much greater detail below.

3 Conceptual Framework

As discussed above, standard LCOE estimates measuring the direct capital and maintenance costs

of various generation sources provide an incomplete summary of the impact of transitioning elec-

tricity production to renewable sources on consumer prices. We set out a simplified model of the

decision-making process of a retail electricity provider to illustrate the mechanisms through which

renewable integration can raise costs, and consequently retail prices. The model demonstrates how

intermittency, transmission, and the displacement of existing capacity infrastructure interact to

raise the total costs incurred by a utility. Notably, the model highlights the wide range of parame-

ters and nontransparent data inputs that would be required to calculate these costs directly. The

paper’s empirical procedure sidesteps this difficulty by summarizing the aggregate effect of these

mechanisms through the reduced-form impact of RPS standards on retail electricity prices.

For simplicity, the model assumes a vertically integrated setting with a single utility respon-

sible for both power capacity and retail provision. The intuition from this framework translates

straightforwardly to a deregulated setting with a retail provider purchasing electricity from com-

peting generators, except for the assumption that ratepayers always pay the full cost of installed

capacity. As discussed below, the extent to which owners of capital bear the losses from excess

capacity stranded by integrating renewable sources will be one factor that contributes to the overall

effect on retail prices.

12Iowa was the first state to establish a binding standard in 1991, requiring the states’s two investor-owned utilitiesto build or contract for 105 MW of renewable capacity. Although Iowa originally enacted an Alternative Energy Lawin 1983, the program wasn’t given a concrete goal or made compulsory until a revision in 1991, so we consider thatthe first year of passage.

13All monetary figures are reported in January 2019 dollars.


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3.1 Representative Utility Model

A representative utility chooses capacity investments and daily generation sources to fulfill two

requirements: ensuring that they meet the full electricity demand of their customers every day

and that their annual electricity production meets the RPS requirement.14 Utilities have three

types of production capacity available with which to meet daily electricity demand: renewables, R,

baseload power, B, and dispatchable “peaker” plants, D, the latter two of which we assume come

from non-renewable sources. Baseload generation produces a constant daily amount governed by

annual capacity, Bt, and cannot be adjusted in response to daily demand. Renewable generation is

stochastic and drawn from a distribution F (R), with mean, R, standard deviation, σR, and support

[R, R]. F (R) is a function of installed renewable capacity, Rt. The daily demand for electricity is

also drawn from a distribution, G(E), with mean E, standard deviation σE , and support [E, E].

So given the available capacity of Bt, Rt, and Dt in year t, the utility observes the daily draws of

Es and Rs and chooses the level of dispatchable power, Ds, to satisfy customer demand.

Es = Bt +Rs +Ds, (1)

Es ∼ G(Et), Rs ∼ F (Rt).

With knowledge of this daily optimization problem, the utility chooses investment in new ca-

pacity at the beginning of each year. Total capacity in period t consists of the depreciated capital

from last period plus new investments in each of the three categories of electricity sources:

Ct = Bt−1(1− δB) +Rt−1(1− δR) +Dt−1(1− δD) + IB + IR + IP . (2)

The utility chooses annual investments in new capacity to fulfill its two primary requirements.

First, the RPS requirement dictates the proportion of annual electricity production that must come

from renewables. For mandated renewable percentage, M, the utility must satisfy the following:∑365s=1Rs∑365s=1Es

≥M. (3)

Under RPS requirements, failure to meet this condition will cost the utility a per-unit fine,

f, for the amount by which renewable generation falls below the threshold. To avoid paying the

fine, utilities must have enough installed renewable capacity, Rt, to produce enough electricity to

meet this requirement. Determining what constitutes enough renewable capacity also may not be

straightforward. If draws from the F (R) distribution are correlated across days, simply ensuring

that E[Rs]E[Es]

= M might not be sufficient to ensure compliance with the RPS mandate in a year

with systematically low realizations for renewable generation. The utility will trade off the cost of

14The period in which instantaneous demand must be met can equivalently be thought of as an hour rather thana day.


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increasing renewable capacity, Rt, with investments, IR, against the fine for noncompliance when

making their choice over optimal Rt.

Second, the utility must ensure it can supply enough energy every day of the year. We assume

there is an infinite penalty for failing to meet demand. Since both energy demand and renewable

production are stochastic, the utility must have enough dispatchable generation available to fill

the largest possible daily need. In particular, the utility chooses Dt such that it can meet total

electricity needs on a hypothetical day with the highest possible demand draw, E, and the lowest

possible renewable generation draw, R.

Dt = E −Bt −R. (4)

In addition to choosing investment, the utility also has the option to prematurely retire capacity

at the beginning of each period. The carrying costs of retired capacity are lower and for simplicity

we assume that capacity that has not been retired will be run. Under certain conditions, they may

choose to retire baseload capacity because too much baseload generation could prevent the utility

from meeting the RPS requirement. If BtE[Es]

> 1 −M , for instance, then renewable production

would be expected not to meet its mandate even without any dispatchable production. To ensure

compliance with the RPS mandate, the utility must estimate the amount of dispatchable production

necessary during the year and then scale back Bt such that the expected sum of baseload and

dispatchable generation does not exceed 1−M as a proportion of all production.

Total costs for the utility include the fixed costs of installed capacity, associated transmission

and distribution requirements, and the variable costs associated with each type of power. The

utility finances new investments such that they make a constant annual payment over a horizon

of T years. The annualized prices of installed capacity, pB, pR, and pD, incorporate differences

in the cost per MWh for baseload, dispatchable, and renewable sources, as well as any differences

in financing costs or investment tax incentives. New transmission investments in each period,

which are also financed over a T-year horizon with annualized payment pT , are a function of new

installations across the three categories and depreciation of the existing transmission capital stock,

with geographically dispersed renewable installations such as wind and solar likely having greater

associated requirements. Since renewables require no fuel inputs, they incur no variable costs

whereas baseload and dispatchable power have average costs acB and acP for each unit generated.

For the purposes of this model, these average costs capture not only the cost of fuel inputs, but also

any startup and shutdown costs associated with the operation of these generating sources. Thus,

the utility’s total costs in period t are as follows:


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TCt =t∑

k=t−TpBkIBk +


pDkIDk +t∑




pTkTr(IRk, IBk, IDk) + 365BtacB +


DsacD. (5)

The retail rate is given by total costs in period t divided by total kilowatt-hours of energy produced

plus a markup, µ, assigned by the regulator. Thus:

Retail Rate in Year t = (1 + µ)TCt∑365s=1Est

. (6)

3.2 Empirical Requirements for Estimating the Full Costs of a


This framework illustrates the major practical difficulties involved in developing the costs of RPS

programs piece-by-piece. This simplified model reveals that even if renewable and non-renewable

production have the same LCOE, defined by the prices of installed capacity and fuel inputs, tran-

sitioning a mature grid infrastructure could increase costs through a wide variety of channels. The

list of excess costs includes:

• investments in new dispatchable capacity to protect against shortfalls of intermittent renew-

able generation,

• investments in new transmission infrastructure to accommodate the geographic locations of

new renewable capacity,

• premature retirements of baseload capacity and/or transmission infrastructure that serves

nonrenewables to reduce nonrenewable production enough to meet RPS mandates.

Further, the incidence of this last category between ratepayers and owners of capital is unclear ex

ante, although ratepayers seem more likely to bear the costs in traditional regulated “cost-plus”

markets, compared to restructured ones. Regardless of the ultimate incidence, these costs are part

of the full costs of the introduction of a RPS program. However, it is worth noting that this

last category category is “transitional” in nature, while the first two are permanent features of

increasing renewables’ share of production.

It is instructive to consider the challenges with constructing a bottom-up or structural estimate

of the costs of an RPS policy. First, it would require data or estimates of several moments from

the distributions of daily energy demand, G(Et), and daily renewable generation, F (Rt), the pre-

existing level of installed capacity by generation type, Bt, Dt, Rt, the respective depreciation rates,


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investment prices, and fuel input prices for each of these three energy categories, and the transmis-

sion investments necessary to incorporate renewable capacity. Second, the estimates would need to

make a series of assumptions for how utilities project electricity demand, renewable intermittency,

the need for dispatchable generation to protect against insufficient or excess supply, as well as the

decision criteria for retiring baseload generation. Third, estimating the model would require going

beyond the representative utility setup and incorporating interactions between heterogeneous gen-

erators and retail providers in restructured and non-restructured markets; these interactions have

proven to be quite complex to model as they involve questions of market power and doing so in

this context would undoubtedly be both a great research topic and a difficult problem to solve.

Fourth, the incidence of these costs between ratepayers and owners of capital is also a complicated

question and, as we noted above, is likely affected by the regulatory environment.

Our approach circumvents this complex interplay of underlying mechanisms with a reduced-form

approach that captures the costs imposed on ratepayers due to all potential mechanisms through

which RPS policies raise costs. If generators or distributors bear part of the costs, our approach

will not capture the full social costs of RPS policies.

Finally, we note that coincident to the increase in the number of RPS programs and the scope

of their ambitions, there have been important changes in the operation of electricity markets. As

one example, several Regional Transmission Organizations began holding centralized auctions for

capacity market payments in the mid-2000s as RPS programs began to proliferate.15 Since their

initiation, these payments comprise a substantial fraction of overall market costs - reaching 9-28%

of total costs in ISO New England, the New York ISO, and the PJM Interconnection between

2008 and 2016 (GAO, 2017). These three RTOs cover all or part of 15 of the 29 RPS-adopting

states in our main sample, and the Mid-continent Independent System Operator (MISO) added

a capacity market auction covering 4 more RPS states in 2013. Further, (Bushnell et al., 2017)

document that similar payments to maintain “Resource Adequacy” take place in other locations as

well and that they likely also preceded the centralized auctions in those four RTOs. We take the

significant share of these types of payments for generator availability after RPS implementation,

be it through auctions or resource adequacy payments, as suggestive evidence that RPS program’s

mandated increase in intermittent renewable generation imposes systemwide costs on electricity

markets, very likely due to these technologies’ intermittency.

Thus, it is at least plausible that an important share of RPS programs’ total costs comes from

the indirect costs that they impose on the electricity supply system. These costs are not evident

from a simple comparison of LCOEs or RECs prices. Of course, the qualitative evidence about

the growth of capacity markets or resource adequacy payments is not decisive and could be due

to other factors, so the remainder of the paper exploits a differences in differences research design

that is generated by the staggered adoption of RPS programs by some states and the non-adoption

15ISO-NY began their current system of auctions in 2003, PJM in 2004, NE-ISO in 2007, and MISO in 2013.


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by other states.

4 Data Sources and Summary Statistics

In order to assess the retail price and other impacts of RPS programs, we construct a state-level

panel from 1990 to 2015 with data on RPS programs, electricity prices, generation capacity and

outcomes, and CO2 emissions. We believe this is the most comprehensive data set ever compiled

on RPS program characteristics and potential outcomes. This section describes each data source

and presents some summary statistics describing the context of the policy.

4.1 RPS Program Data

Since 1990, 29 states and the District of Columbia have adopted RPS programs. We construct

indicators for the year in which legislation for a mandatory RPS program first passed in each state,

compiled using state legislative documents, state government websites, and summaries from the

U.S. Department of Energy. While there is typically a few years’ lag between policy enactment

and the onset of binding mandates for renewable generation, costs to electricity providers, and

consequently customers, are likely to begin accruing when they start planning for and investing

in the required future capacity. Data from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL)

also include information about qualifying renewable sources under each program, including whether

there are specific requirements for solar generation.

To better characterize each state’s implementation, we also collect more detailed information on

year-by-year requirements. Most RPS programs require an increasing percentage of electricity sales

to come from renewable sources, leading to increased stringency over time.16 However, as mentioned

earlier, the statutory percentage requirement may overstate the additional generation required if a

large number of existing generators are eligible for compliance. To account for this, we construct a

measure of RPS net requirements as the difference between statutory requirements and pre-existing

renewable generation. We collect data from LBNL on total generation required from renewables

in each RPS state in each year of enforcement (Barbose, 2018), and define pre-existing compliance

as total generation from qualifying categories of renewables in the year before RPS legislation was

passed. The difference is the amount by which each state had to expand renewable generation

to comply with the policy - our measure of net requirements.17 Recall, Figure 3 highlighted the

substantial differences between the total and net requirements.

16Iowa and Texas have fixed capacity requirements for new renewable generation, which will tend to decreasestringency over time if demand is increasing.

17Some states include waste-to-energy and similar forms of power generation in their RPS, but we do not have datafor these sources, so we cannot account for these in our net generation estimates. In addition, there are 3 states -California, Montana, and Minnesota - for which the gross MWh requirements reported by LBNL differ by more than3 percentage points from the statutory percentages reported by DSIRE.


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In addition to data on RPS programs, we also collect information from the North Carolina Clean

Energy Center’s Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) on the presence

of other state programs that may influence the amount of renewable generation and the retail price

of electricity (Barnes, 2014). We have information on the implementation dates of three types of

programs: net metering, which pays consumers for electricity they add to the grid with distributed

generation such as solar PV, green power purchasing, which gives consumers the option of paying

to have renewable energy account for a certain percentage of their consumption, and public benefits

funds, which place a surcharge on retail electricity prices to fund programs such as research and

development, energy efficiency investments, and low-income energy assistance. This information is

used to account for the presence of potentially confounding programs.

4.2 Electricity Sector

Information on electricity sector variables is drawn from Energy Information Administration (EIA)

survey forms. Electricity prices are computed from EIA Form 861, a mandatory census of retail

sales by electric power industry participants.18 Respondents report sales and revenues separately

for commercial, industrial, and residential sectors. Average price is then computed based on average

revenue per megawatt-hour sold for each sector and for total retail sales.

Electricity generation by state and fuel source is compiled from EIA forms 906, 920, and 923,

which concern power plant operations. This data is broken down by fuel type, ensuring plants with

multiple fuel sources are accurately reflected in aggregate numbers. Generating capacity by state

and fuel source is compiled from EIA Forms 860 and 867, along with starting year and month and

location. These surveys cover all grid-connected generators larger than 1 MW in capacity currently

able to deliver power. For simplicity, we aggregate the EIA’s fuel type categories, measuring

generation by hydroelectric, solar, wind, coal, natural gas, nuclear, other renewables, and other


To measure CO2 emissions, we use estimates derived by the EIA from power plant operations

data taken from forms 767, 906, and 923. Their estimation process involves converting fuel use to

BTUs to provide a common comparison measure. Next, fuel uses that do not generate emissions are

subtracted out. Finally, source-specific carbon emission coefficients are used to convert to metric

tons of carbon.20 The result is a yearly panel of state emissions from electricity generation.

As part of our analysis, we also attempt to look at the difference between RPS impacts in

18The 3,300 respondents cover essentially the universe of retail suppliers, including electric utilities, energy serviceproviders, power marketers, and other electric power suppliers.

19“Other Renewables” includes biomass, geothermal, and wood-based fuels, while “Other” covers remaining sources,including pumped storage, blast furnace gas, and other marginal fuels. See the Electric Power Monthly published bythe EIA for a full accounting of possible disaggregated fuel sources.

20More details on this process, including the conversion factors used, can be found in “Methodology and Sources”section of the Monthly Electric Review published by the EIA.


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regulated versus deregulated markets. Using data compiled for an earlier paper by Fabrizio et al.

(2007), we code an indicator for whether or not a state ever deregulates their electricity market,

defined by retail market access for non-utility-owned generation plants.21

4.3 Manufacturing Employment

If RPS programs do in fact raise electricity prices, there may be downstream impacts on industries

for which energy is a large input to production. To assess this, we construct a panel of employment

in each state by industry code using data from the County Business Patterns (CBP). One issue

with these data is that employment statistics are often suppressed when the industry code and

establishment size potentially disclose information about a specific business. Following previous

papers, we apply an imputation procedure to estimate employment for these cells, using the national

average for the industry in that cell size. To allow comparisons across years, we recode NAICS

industry codes used in later years to SIC industry codes, redistributing employment proportionally

based on concordances provided by the census.22 We then calculate total and manufacturing

employment for each state in each year.

4.4 Summary Statistics

Before describing our empirical approach in detail, we briefly present some summary statistics

from the data and report on some comparisons of treatment and control states in the year prior to

RPS passage. Table 1 presents summary statistics for treatment states, defined as those in which

legislation passes in the following year, and control states, which consist of states that did not pass

RPS by 2015. The summary statistics for control states are averaged across the set of control states

that correspond to each RPS state’s year of passage.

The statistics in Table 1 show some level differences between RPS states and control states

in the year prior to legislation. RPS states tend to have somewhat more expensive electricity

— 11.4 cents per kWh versus 9.4 in control states — larger populations, and better resources for

producing solar and wind energy. Such level differences do not threaten the identification of our

difference-in-differences design, but may be informative about the degree to which our results would

be representative of the impact of a national RPS policy. The RPS states in our analysis are also

more likely to have other simultaneous programs affecting renewable energy, including public benefit

funds, net metering, and green power purchasing programs. We control for the time-varying passage

of these programs at the state by year level in our analysis. Finally, we note that the pre-existing

trends of electricity prices in treatment and control states are similar, with an average six-year

21We thank Fabrizio, Rose, and Wolfram for generously sharing this data.22For further details, and code used, see Autor et al. (2013) and the accompanying data files. For 2012 and 2013,

where official concordances are unavailable, we allocate employment proportionally based on 2011 employment usingthe official code mapping 2012 to 2007 NAICS.


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decrease in electricity prices of 0.6 cents per kWh in both RPS states and control states prior to

the year of passage. Our analysis in the next section will control for differences in pre-trends, but

the similarity of these trends lends validity to the key identification assumption of equal trends in

electricity prices in RPS and non-RPS states in the years before RPS passage.

5 Empirical Strategy

Our empirical approach begins with an event study-style equation:

yst = α+18∑


στDτ,st +Xst + γs + µt + εst, (7)

where yst is an outcome of interest in state s in year t. We include state fixed effects γs to control

for any permanent, unobserved differences across states. Year fixed effects, µt, non-parametrically

control for national trends in retail prices. The variables Dτ,st are separate indicators for each year

τ relative to the passage of a RPS law, where τ is normalized to equal zero in the year that the

program passed; they range from -19 through 18, which covers the full range of values of the τ ’s.23

For states that never adopt an RPS program, all Dτ,st are set equal to zero. As non-adopters, they

do not play a role in the estimation of the τ ’s but they aid in the estimation of the year effects, µt,

as well as the constant, α.

The στ ’s are the parameters of interest as they report the annual mean of the outcome variable

in event time, after adjustment for state and year fixed effects. An appealing feature of this design

is that because states passed RPS programs into law in different calendar years, it is possible to

separately identify the στ ’s and the year fixed effects µt. In the remainder of the analysis, we will

particularly focus on the στ ’s that range from -7 through 6. This is the maximum range for which

the στ ’s can all be estimated from a fixed set of states. Restricting the treatment period in this

way holds the advantage of eliminating questions about the role that differences in the composition

of states identifying the various στ ’s plays. This range is determined by Nevada, which passed its

law in 1997 on one side of the range, and Kansas, which passed its law in 2009 on the other side of

the range. We will present event-study figures that plot the estimated στ ’s against τ . These figures

provide an opportunity to visually assess whether there are differential trends in the outcome

variables prior to RPS passage, which help to assess the validity of the difference in differences

identification strategy. The event-study figures also demonstrate whether any impacts on outcomes

emerge immediately or over time, which will inform the choice of specification to summarize the

average effect of RPS policies.

To summarize the information contained in the event-study plots and formally assess the pro-

23Iowa adopted a RPS in 1991, which means that only one pre-RPS year is available. Consequently, we drop Iowafrom the primary sample although its inclusion does not alter the qualitative findings.


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gram impact, we estimate two equations. In the first, we assume that the difference in differences’

identification assumption of parallel trends holds and allow for RPS programs to have only a mean-

shift effect on retail electricity price:

yst = δ0 + δ11(−19 ≤ τ ≤ −8)st ∗ 1(RPS = 1)s + δ21(7 ≤ τ ≤ 18)st ∗ 1(RPS = 1)s

+ δ31(0 ≤ τ ≤ 6)st ∗ 1(RPS = 1)s +Xst + γs + µt + εst. (8)

Here, the parameter of interest is δ3, which measures the mean of the outcome variable in the first

7 years after the passage of RPS policies, in RPS states, relative to the preceding 7 years, after

adjustment for state and year fixed effects. The coefficients δ1 and δ2 measure the mean of the

outcome in the unbalanced samples in the years before and after the 14 year period where the

sample is balanced, in RPS states. These are nuisance parameters.

Most RPS programs have requirements that increase gradually over time after legislation is

passed, so it is likely that the impact on electricity prices will increase correspondingly. Therefore,

a specification like a trend break model seems better equipped to summarize the effect of RPS pro-

grams on outcomes because it allows the programs’ effect to grow over time. Further, specifications

that allow for the possibility of differences in pre-adoption trends require weaker assumptions to

produce valid estimates of the impact of RPS programs. For these reasons, we also fit an equation

that allows for differential trends before and after RPS programs are passed into law:

yst = δ0 + δ11(−19 ≤ τ ≤ −8)st ∗ 1(RPS = 1)s + δ21(7 ≤ τ ≤ 18)st ∗ 1(RPS = 1)s

+ δ31(0 ≤ τ ≤ 6)st ∗ 1(RPS = 1)s + β0τst + β11(−19 ≤ τ ≤ −8)st ∗ 1(RPS = 1)s ∗ τst+ β21(7 ≤ τ ≤ 18)st ∗ 1(RPS = 1)s ∗ τst + β31(0 ≤ τ ≤ 6)st ∗ 1(RPS = 1)s ∗ τst+Xst + γs + µt + εst. (9)

To summarize the cumulative effects, we calculate and report the impact seven years after RPS

passage, which is given by δ3 + 6β3. Finally, we report standard errors that are clustered by state

from the estimation of Equations (8) and (9) to allow for correlation in the errors within state over


6 Results

6.1 Net RPS Requirements and Retail Electricity Prices

We begin with an examination of the net RPS requirements. Figure 4a plots the event-year means

of net RPS requirements against τ . Recall that event time is normalized so that the program

passage year occurs at τ = 0 and the vertical line at τ = −1 indicates the last year before program

passage. It is apparent that the RPS programs’ passage into law leads to increases in the required


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use of the RPS technologies that begin almost immediately and increase every year. Seven years

after passage, the average RPS state’s net requirement is 1.8 percentage points of generation. It is

noteworthy that this is substantially smaller than the increase in total or gross requirement which

is 5.1%. through the end of the balanced sample which is 7 years later.

Figure 4b reports on the estimation of equation (7) for the average retail price. where prices

are normalized so that they equal zero at τ = −1. Recall, the estimated στ ’s are adjusted for

state and year fixed effects. There are two primary points that emerge. First, there is no evidence

of a meaningful difference in the trends of prices, either upwards or downwards, among adopting

states in the six years preceding RPS programs becoming law, from τ = −7 to τ = −1. Thus,

for example, there doesn’t appear to be any evidence that prior to RPS passage, adopting states

were differentially passing other policies that influence electricity prices positively or negatively or

facing differential cost shocks. More broadly, this figure supports the validity of the difference in

differences research design. Second, it is apparent that retail prices increased after program passage,

but not all at once; the figure suggests that a model that allows for a trend break describes the

data well. It is striking that the trend in prices appears to very closely shadow the trend in net

RPS requirements.

Columns (1a) and (1b) in Panel A of Table 2 present results from the estimation of equations (8)

and (9) that confirm the visual impression that retail electricity prices increase after RPS programs

become law. The mean-shift specification suggests that RPS programs raised prices by 0.5 cents

on average in their first 7 years. In the mean shift and trend-break model, the estimates indicate

that retail prices in RPS states rise by roughly 0.16 cents each year post-passage, with statistically

insignificant pre-trends and post-passage mean-shift.

Given these results and the visual event-study evidence suggesting that RPS programs affect the

trend in prices, we treat Equation (9) as our primary specification. We focus on the effect 7 years

after RPS passage, which is calculated as δ3+6β3. Overall, the estimates from this regression suggest

that RPS policies have increased retail electricity prices by about 1.3 cents per kWh seven years

after passage. This increase is statistically significant and economically substantial, representing

an increase of about 11.1% over the mean retail price at τ = −1. Such a large increase in the retail

price of electricity is striking, given the modest net requirements 7 years after passage. Further,

these estimates are much larger than LCOE differences alone would suggest, indicating that the

indirect costs of RPS mandates are an important component of their total costs.

We next consider whether RPS policies exhibit heterogeneous effects by the category of customer.

The EIA divides retail sales among three sectors, residential, commercial, and industrial, that

together account for total retail sales.24 Residential is the largest sector for most years in our data,

24According the EIA, the sectors are composed of:

• Residential: “living quarters for private households,”

• Commercial: “service-providing facilities and equipment of: businesses; Federal, State, and local governments;and other private and public organizations,”


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comprising about 37% of sales in 2015.25 On a per-customer basis, though, the commercial and

industrial consume significantly more. A typical commercial customer uses nearly seven times the

typical residential consumption, while the typical industrial customer uses more than 120 times the

typical residential consumption. As noted in Table 1, retail rates also vary among these groups,

with residential customers paying the highest rates while industrial customers pay the lowest. This

differentiated pricing may reflect demand elasticities that are correlated with usage, leading utilities

to price discriminate by charging lower prices to their most intensive, and therefore price sensitive,

customers (Bjørner et al., 2001).

The event-study figures derived from the fitting of Equation (7) for these outcomes are presented

in Appendix Figure A.4. There is little evidence of difference in trends between adopting and non-

adopting states prior to RPS passage. Industrial prices appear to shift upwards substantially in the

first year after passage, while the commercial and residential sectors adjust more gradually. Overall,

changes by sector track closely with net requirement changes, though perhaps with a slight lag.

The statistical sectoral price analyses for the balanced sample are reported in columns (2) - (4)

of Panel A in Table 2. As in our analysis of total prices, sectoral prices appear best captured by the

mean-shift and trend-break model, so we focus on estimates from Equation (9) in the (2b), (3b),

and (4b) columns. In all three sectors, the point estimates represent substantial price increases

in the first 7 years after RPS passage; they are 12.8% for residential, 7.7% for commercial, and

9.2% for industrial, although only the residential one would be judged statistically significant by

conventional criteria.

The appeal of the Panel A results is that there is a balanced sample for all event years, but

this sample restriction limits the number of post-years. In Panel B, we extend the post-period

through τ = 11 which allows us to estimate the effect of the RPS programs through 12 years after

passage. However, the number of RPS states that reach τ = 11 in the sample declines from 29 in

the balanced sample to 16, so the cost is that there is not a constant sample of states for all event


The Panel B results tell much the same story of higher prices. As RPS programs are in force

longer here, their net requirements increase and their impact on electricity prices also increases.

The column (1b) estimates indicate that at twelve years after passage, the average retail price has

increased by 2.0 cents per kWh or 17% and at the same point net RPS requirements have risen to

4.2 percentage points of generation (although gross or total RPS requirements are higher at 11.1

percentage points).26 The remaining columns reveal that over this longer time horizon the higher

electricity costs remain evident in all three sectors, with the residential sector experiencing the

• Industrial: “all facilities and equipment used for producing, processing, or assembling goods.”

For complete definitions, see the EIA’s Electric Power Monthly.25Authors’ calculation, from the EIA Electricity Data Browser.26Appendix Figures A.2a and A.2b present the accompanying extended period figures for net requirements and

average retail prices. See Appendix Figure A.3 for a plot of gross, i.e. total, RPS requirements.


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largest increase.

Table 3 explores the robustness of the Table 2 Panel A results to a variety of changes in Equation

(9). In column (1), we drop the two states with nuclear in their original RPS (i.e., Massachusetts

and Ohio) as these states’ policies are closer to a zero carbon energy standard and in column (2) we

drop Hawaii due to its unique geography. Neither of these sample restrictions meaningful change

the qualitative findings. The remaining columns aim to adjust for the possibility of local shocks to

electricity prices that might confound the adoption of RPS programs; specifically, columns (3) and

(4) include year by census region and year by census division fixed effects, respectively. There are

4 Census regions and 9 Census divisions. The estimated increases in electricity prices are modestly

smaller here than in Table 2, however the differences are small compared to the standard errors.

Our conclusion is that these models that handle local shocks more flexibly leave the qualitative

findings unchanged.

6.2 Heterogeneity in RPS Price Effects

To this point, we have assumed that the effect of RPS programs on average retail prices are constant

across states. However, there are several important characteristics that might differ across states

and could affect the magnitude of the impact of RPS programs or their incidence on ratepayers

versus owners of capital. This subsection explores this possibility by taking the trend and mean

shift model (i.e., Equation (9)) and fully interacting it with an indicator for membership in a

subsample of interest. Table 4 presents the results from this exercise for average retail prices and

residential retail prices by reporting the effect of RPS programs among states not in the subsample

and the marginal effect for the subsample. The latter estimate tests whether the seven year effect

differs in the subgroup of interest and the full effect for this group is the sum of the two reported


Panel A examines whether RPS program effects differ for late adopters, defined as those with

laws that were passed after 2004, the median year of passage in the data. This specification tests the

hypothesis that the costs of RPS programs might be lower in the later years of the sample, perhaps

due to decreasing costs for renewable energy or learning about how to more efficiently integrate

renewables into the grid. Panel B explores differential impacts among states that have restructured

electricity markets. Panel C examines the effect of setting specific requirements that can only be

fulfilled by solar energy, which restricts flexibility to use the cheapest available renewable resource.

Panel D estimates effects for “heavy coal” states, defined as those above median percentage coal

generation in 1990, to test whether these states encounter higher costs to incorporating renewables.

This type of subgroup analysis is very demanding of the data, but some intriguing, albeit sugges-

tive, patterns emerge. There is little evidence to support the hypothesis that the costs for ratepayers

were lower in late (i.e., post-2004) adopting states. The point estimates in Panel B indicate that

the impact on prices is smaller in states where electricity markets have been restructured, which is


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consistent with the possibility that it is easier to pass on the costs of stranded assets to ratepayers

in vertically integrated non-restructured settings. However, the magnitude of the standard errors

warrants caution in drawing strong conclusions. The point estimates suggest that solar set asides

substantially increase prices, which is consistent with the fact that solar REC prices can be several

times larger than general REC prices, but here too the imprecision of the estimates tempers the

strength of any conclusions. Finally, the costs appear to be higher in heavy coal states, but the

same problem of noisy estimates is evident.

6.3 Economic Activity

Since the estimates suggest that RPS programs lead to substantial increases in electricity prices, it

is natural to examine whether there are impacts on the real economy. We begin by testing whether

electricity consumption responds to these increases. Some previous studies suggest that consumers

typically appear to be responsive to the average prices, which is our variable of interest, rather than

marginal prices, potentially due to inadequate real-time information about current consumption

(Borenstein, 2009; Ito, 2014). In columns (1a) and (1b), there is little evidence of a change in

electricity consumption.

The remaining columns of Table 5 report on the estimation of the same equations for total

employment and manufacturing employment. Energy costs are a relatively high share of total

costs in manufacturing. There is little evidence of an impact on overall employment as would be

expected. The estimates suggest roughly 2% to 4% declines in manufacturing employment but

neither would be judged statistically significant by standard criteria.

6.4 Generation

A number of previous papers have examined the impact of RPS programs on state renewable gen-

eration (see Shrimali et al. (2012) for an excellent overview of the varied findings). In general, they

find that program heterogeneity appears to have some impact, while requirement stringency gener-

ally does not. Considering individual state responses, however, is likely confounded by spillovers, as

most RPS programs allow out-of-state resources within the REC region to comply.27 To allow for

these spillovers, we aggregate our state-level data to the REC region by taking state-level measures

of technology-specific generation shares, taking CO2 emissions intensity (in metric tons per MWh)

and whether an RPS program was law, and calculating a weighted average at the REC region level

where the weight is the MWh of generation in the relevant state by year observation. REC permits

can be traded within a REC region and the ten REC regions are shown in Appendix Figure A.1.

We then estimate versions of Equation (9), except now an observation is at the region by year level,

rather than state by year level.

27Johnson (2014) find that future RPS levels are associated with current regional capacity additions.


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Table 6 presents estimates for generation sources observed in the EIA data. There is a case

for estimating unweighted (Panel A) and weighted (Panel B) versions of Equation (9) here. The

case for the unweighted regression is that the data generating process takes place at the REC

region level, with substantial cross-state spillovers due to the tradable REC permits. The case for

weighting by the number of states in a REC region depends on whether one wants to count more

heavily regions that are comprised of more states. Since the analysis of RPS on retail prices takes

place at the state level, weighting REC regions by the number of states to recover the effect on

the average state provides the most directly comparable results for the impact of RPS on prices,

generation, and carbon intensity.

The table reports separate estimates both 7 and 12 years after RPS passage for generation

shares of hydro, solar, wind, other renewables, coal, natural gas, petroleum, and nuclear, as well

as CO2 intensity. Although these technology share regressions are noisy, a few interesting findings

emerge. First, RPS passage is associated with substantial increases in the wind and hydro shares

of generation. The increase in wind generation is consistent with anecdotal evidence about wind

playing an important role in RPS compliance. However, we underscore that the wind estimates

are statistically significant in some specifications but certainly not all. Second, the estimates sug-

gest that RPS programs displace petroleum as its share declined meaningfully, although again the

standard errors preclude definitive conclusions. Third, although RPS programs likely have coun-

tervailing effects on natural gas generation - with renewables likely to displace baseload generation

but require an increase in the use of peaker plants as backup for their intermittent production -

our estimates are too noisy to provide a test with real empirical content.

Column (9) reports on specifications where CO2 intensity is the dependent variable. Just as

with the generation outcomes, the REC-level value of this variable is calculated as the weighted

average of state CO2 intensity, where the weight is the MWh of generation in the relevant state

by year. The mean of this variable in the year prior to program passage is 0.64. The Panel A

estimates indicate modest declines in CO2 intensity that have associated t-statistics below 1. In

Panel B, the estimated emissions intensity declines by about 16% (=.101/.641) seven years after

RPS passage and by 23% twelve years after passage. Both of these estimates are close to being

statistically significant at the 10% level.28

Overall, the table reveals that RPS programs are associated with changes in the generation mix

that are admittedly sensitive to specification and often imprecise. The most consistent evidence

appears to be that RPS programs led to reductions in the CO2 intensity of generation, although

the imprecision of these estimates also remains a source of concern. In the next subsection, we

combine the emissions intensity results with the price effect results to learn about the costs per

metric ton of CO2 abated.

28See Appendix Figure A.5 for event-study figures associated with these four estimates of the impact of RPSprograms on CO2 emissions intensity that illustrate the source of the column (9) estimates.


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7 Interpretation

Our estimates suggest that RPS passage has imposed substantial costs on consumers of electricity

to date. To make this concrete, we calculate the higher charges that electricity customers paid

during the first 7 years after RPS passage in the 29 adopting states. This is calculated as the

product of the estimated increase in prices in each post-passage year (from the fitting of Equation

(9)) and total electricity consumption in the 29 RPS states in the analysis. The other side of the

ledger is the reduction in CO2 emissions in the 29 RPS states. This is calculated as the product

of the estimated effect of RPS passage on CO2 intensity and electricity generation separately for

each year post-passage. Recall, the estimated reduction in emissions intensity is about 3.5 times

larger in Panel B, compared to Panel A, of Table 6, so the results will be sensitive to the decision

of whether to weight observations on REC regions.

A natural summary statistic of RPS programs’ efficacy is the cost per metric ton of CO2 abated

and Table 7 uses this paper’s estimates to develop several of these measures. Specifically, the

first row of each panel reports the cumulative effect of RPS programs in their first 7 years after

passage, using the estimated impact on electricity prices in Table 2 and the unweighted (Panel A)

and weighted (Panel B) regressions for CO2 intensity from Table 6. Without discounting, the total

additional RPS costs over the first 7 years are about $125 billion in the 29 adopting states. The

cumulative reduction in CO2 emissions over the first 7 years after passage is 240 million metric tons

in Panel A and 1,010 million metric tons in Panel B.

Column (3) reports the cumulative estimated costs per ton of CO2 abated during the first 7

years after passage and they are $530 and $124 in the two panels, with the wide range underscoring

the sensitivity of the estimate to the estimated impact of RPS programs on CO2 intensity. The

second and third rows of each panel report on the cost per metric ton of CO2 abated in the 7th

and 12th years after passage. The cost per ton abated increases modestly between years 7 and 12

in both panels.

Overall, the estimates of the cost per metric ton of CO2 abated are high by almost any metric.

For example, the Obama Administration pegged the social cost of carbon (i.e., the monetized

damages from the release of an additional ton of CO2 in the year 2019) at roughly $51 in current

dollars (Greenstone et al., 2013; EPA, 2016). Thus, it appears that the costs of RPS programs

exceed their carbon reduction benefits (again, these benefits would be larger if these programs

reduce the future cost of renewable technologies that end up being deployed). Further, they exceed

the price of a permit to emit a ton of CO2 in all the major cap-and-trade markets globally by more

than an order of magnitude. For example, the current prices in the CA, Regional Greenhouse Gas

Initiative, European Union ETS, and Quebec markets are currently about $15, $6, $25, and $15,

respectively.29 Put another way, RPS programs appear to be achieve a small fraction of the CO2

29Because there are mandates inside these cap-and-trade programs, the permit price may not be reflective ofmarginal abatement costs across the entire covered sectors.


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reductions per dollar of cost, relative to cap-and-trade markets.

There are several caveats and implications of these results that bear noting. First, the analysis

is “reduced form” so we cannot assign precise shares of the RPS programs’ full costs to differences

in generation costs, intermittency, transmission, and stranded assets. Further, it seems reasonable

to assume that these shares vary over time and in ways that further complicate trying to infer their

contributions. For example, it seems plausible that any stranded asset costs are declining at the

same time that intermittency costs are increasing, because the net requirements grow over time.

Second, there are two reasons that the cost per metric ton calculations may understate the full

social costs of RPS programs. This is because the price effects only reflect the portion borne by

ratepayers. However, it seems reasonable to presume that at least some of the costs will be borne

by owners of capital (e.g., generators or transmission), particularly in states with restructured

electricity markets. Further, it is possible that some of the costs are shared by all the participants

in wholesale electricity markets, which in several cases includes states with and without RPS

programs. If the costs are partially reflected in retail prices in non-adopting states, then the

difference in differences approach would understate the full costs borne by ratepayers because it

would miss the portion borne by ratepayers in non-adopting states and understate the effect in

adopting states.

Third, more broadly, a randomized control trial is unavailable here, so there will always be a

form of unobserved heterogeneity that could explain the results without RPS programs playing

a causal role. For example, our measures of other state programs that influence retail electricity

prices are limited in their detail, only measuring the years in which states adopted three of these

types of programs. So while our estimates are adjusted for the presence of three of these types of

programs, this may fail to capture their full impact on electricity prices and that could cause us

to understate or overstate the impacts of RPS programs on retail electricity prices, depending on

their correlation with RPS programs.

Fourth, it is often claimed that renewable policies provide an external benefit by reducing the

costs of future generation that is generic and cannot be fully appropriated by the firm that is

expanding its operations. If there are such spillovers or positive externalities, then our estimates of

the costs per metric ton of abatement will be systematically too high because they will not account

for the benefits received by customers outside of the RPS state’s jurisdiction. In principle, these

benefits could be global and thus quite substantial. The coincidence of the proliferation of policies

that support renewable energy and the decline in solar prices over the last decade are consistent

with the possibility of such spillovers. However, research that isolates the magnitude of any such

spillovers from other factors is probably best described as emerging, making this is a rich area for

future research (Gillingham and Stock, 2018).


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8 Conclusion

This paper has provided the first comprehensive evaluation on the impacts of RPS programs,

which are perhaps the most popular and prevalent carbon policy in the United States. First, these

programs mandated increases in renewable generation that are often smaller than is advertised.

Seven years after passage, RPS programs require a 1.8 percentage point increase in renewable’s

share of generation, and 12 years after it is 4.2 percentage points. Second, RPS program passage

leads to substantial increases in electricity prices that mirror the program’s increasing stringency

over time. Seven years after passage, we estimate that average retail prices are 1.3 cents per kWh

or 11% higher than they otherwise would be. The corresponding effect twelve years later is 2.0

cents per kWh or 17% higher. Third, the estimates indicate that passage of RPS programs lead

to reductions in the generating mix’s carbon intensity, although these estimates can be noisier and

more sensitive to specification than is ideal. Putting the results together, the cost per metric ton

of CO2 abated exceeds $115 in all specifications and ranges up to $530, making it at least several

times bigger than conventional estimates of the social cost of carbon.

A particularly striking finding is that the indirect costs of RPS programs, which have not been

possible to comprehensively measure to date, appear to account for the majority of RPS program

costs. A recent study suggests that the direct costs of RPS increase retail electricity prices by

2% (Barbose, 2018), which is substantially smaller than our estimates that prices are about 11%

higher 7 years after passage. Although there are several differences between these two studies,

it seems likely that the indirect costs, including intermittency, transmission, and stranded asset

payments, account for a substantial fraction of RPS program costs. This finding suggests caution

in extrapolating declines in the direct generation cost of renewable energy to its overall impact

on electricity prices, and suggests that reducing indirect costs associated with grid integration

could represent the more important barrier to substantially increasing renewable energy’s share of

generation and meaningfully decreasing carbon dioxide emissions.

Overall, the paper’s results underscore the importance of research on policy and technology

mechanisms to reduce the costs of renewable energy, and imply that mechanisms to facilitate the

integration of intermittent sources onto the grid, such as advanced storage technologies or time-

of-use pricing, could be especially beneficial. While the potential damages from global climate

change have been widely documented, it is almost self-evident that failing to cost-effectively re-

duce emissions will ultimately limit the magnitude of these cost reductions. Further, policies that

substantially increase the price of electricity tend to have a regressive impact that hits low-income

consumers hardest, and therefore may be especially unattractive in developing countries that ac-

count for a large and growing share of global emissions. The most effective climate policy in

technologically advanced and innovative nations such as the United States will reduce emissions

domestically, but also involves developing low-carbon energy systems that are cost-effective enough

to promote adoption in the rest of the world.


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9 Figures

Figure 1: RPS Passage by State

Sources: US Department of Energy and state government websites.Notes: States that have adopted any RPS policy are colored according to the year in which the RPS legislation was first passed.


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Figure 2: Number of RPS Programs Newly Passed into Law, by Year










ail E

















1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014year

RPS Programs (left) Prices (Cents per kWh) (right)

Sources: Department of Energy and state government websites (number of policies) and EIA (prices).


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Figure 3: RPS Total and Net Requirements, by State

1991 1997 1998 1999 2001 20022004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009













New Je













New M


New York



Rhode I





of Co








New Ham


North C





Missouri Ohio




ent (


Sources: Department of Energy and state government websites; Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL).Notes: States are sorted by the year in which their RPS policies were first passed. The bars are colored according to RPS passage year. The total height of each bar denotes thegross RPS requirement at τ = 6; the non-patterned portion of each bar denotes net requirement at τ = 6. The data for gross RPS requirements are from the LBNL, in MWh,and are converted to percentages by dividing by contemporary generation at τ = 6. Note that these percentages do not exactly equal the prescribed statutory percentages inthe regulation.


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Figure 4: Estimated Effects of RPS Programs on Net Renewable Requirements and RetailElectricity Prices

(a) Net RPS Requirements









% R




-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6Year Relative to Program Passage

(b) Retail Prices









ts p

er k


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6Year Relative to Program Passage

Source: EIA; LBNL; Department of Energy and state government websites.Notes: Graph (a) shows the mean net RPS requirement percentage for event years τ = -7 to τ = 6. Graph (b) shows coefficientsfor στ for τ = -7 to τ = 6 from the event study specification in Equation (7) for retail electricity prices on indicator variablesfor years relative to program passage, controlling for state, year, and other programs fixed effects. Blue lines show the pointestimates and gray lines contain the 95% confidence interval. Gross RPS requirement data are from the LBNL. Electricity pricedata and electricity generation for calculating net requirement are from the EIA. RPS program passage dates and requirementsare from the Department of Energy and state government websites. Standard errors are clustered at the state-level.


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10 Tables

Table 1: Summary Statistics

Mean RPS

Mean Control

P-value RPS vs Control

(1) (2) (3)

Price (2018 Cents/kWh)Total 11.4 9.4 0.01Residential 13.4 11.3 0.01Commercial 11.8 9.8 0.01Industrial 8.5 6.9 0.01

Price Change ! = -1 vs -7 (2018 Cents/kWh) -0.6 -0.6 0.92Total Sales (TWh) 76.2 64.3 0.38Population (Millions) 7.0 4.7 0.11CO2 Emissions (Million mt) 48.0 49.2 0.90Renewable Potential (PWh)

Solar 9.1 6.6 0.34Wind 1.1 0.9 0.40

GenerationTotal (TWh) 80.5 73.3 0.64RPS Eligible (TWh) 8.9 5.9 0.36RPS Eligible (% of Total) 13.5 13.0 0.89

Generating CapacityTotal (GW) 20.3 18.4 0.60RPS Eligible (GW) 2.5 1.6 0.36RPS Eligible (% of Total) 14.2 14.3 0.99

Other Programs (%)Public Benefit Funds 0.41 0.11 0.00Net Metering 0.66 0.45 0.04Green Power Purchasing 0.07 0.02 0.29

Notes: “Mean RPS” is for RPS states in the year prior to RPS passage. A control is defined for each RPS state as the meanacross non-RPS states and RPS states that have yet to pass RPS, in the year prior to the reference RPS state’s RPS passage.“Mean Control” is the average across these controls. Column (3) reports p-values from a two-sample t-test between Column (1)and (2) that allows for unequal variances across groups. Iowa is excluded from these summary statistics due to the particularlyearly passage of its RPS.


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Table 2: Estimates of RPS Impact on Retail Electricity Prices

(1a) (1b) (2a) (2b) (3a) (3b) (4a) (4b)

Panel A: 7 Post-Passage Years, Balanced SampleMean Shift (δ3) 0.54 0.30 0.48 0.17 0.50 0.30 0.56 0.69

(0.35) (0.25) (0.38) (0.24) (0.36) (0.24) (0.37) (0.46)Trend Break (β3) 0.16* 0.26*** 0.10 0.01

(0.08) (0.09) (0.09) (0.10)Effect of RPS 7 years after passage 1.27** 1.71** 0.91 0.78(6β3 + δ3) (0.61) (0.66) (0.62) (0.48)

Panel B: 12 Post-Passage Years, Unbalanced SampleMean Shift (δ3) 0.66 0.35 0.65 0.26 0.59 0.33 0.62 0.57

(0.41) (0.31) (0.45) (0.31) (0.42) (0.31) (0.42) (0.40)Trend Break (β3) 0.15** 0.22*** 0.10 0.07

(0.07) (0.07) (0.08) (0.08)Effect of RPS 12 years after passage 1.98** 2.71*** 1.38 1.34(11β3 + δ3) (0.81) (0.89) (0.88) (0.84)

Mean at ! = -1 11.4 11.4 13.4 13.4 11.8 11.8 8.5 8.5

State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesYear FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesOther Programs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesN 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300

Average Retail PriceAverage Retail Price

ResidentialAverage Retail Price

CommercialAverage Retail Price


Notes: Columns (1a) through (4b) show estimates from Equations (8) and (9), where (a) columns correspond to Equation (8) and (b) columns correspond to Equation (9),with total retail electricity price and sector-specific retail electricity prices as the response variables. In Panel A, coefficient estimates are for states with data 7 years beforeand 7 years after RPS passage. In Panel B, coefficient estimates are for states with data 7 years before and 12 years after RPS passage. Using Equation (9) notation, theeffect of RPS 7 years after passage is 6β3 + δ3, and the effect of RPS 12 years after passage is 11β3 + δ3. Standard errors are clustered at the state-level.Asterisks denote p-values: < 0.10 (*), < 0.05 (**), < 0.01 (***).


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Table 3: Robustness Checks for RPS Impact

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Panel A: Total

Effect of RPS 7 years after passage 1.13* 1.15* 1.08* 0.90(6β3 + δ3) (0.63) (0.60) (0.58) (0.56)

Panel B: Residential

Effect of RPS 7 years after passage 1.55** 1.59** 1.60*** 1.40**(6β3 + δ3) (0.68) (0.65) (0.59) (0.60)

Panel C: Commercial

Effect of RPS 7 years after passage 0.68 0.77 0.70 0.65(6β3 + δ3) (0.63) (0.61) (0.58) (0.58)

Panel D: Industrial

Effect of RPS 7 years after passage 0.69 0.64 0.32 0.29(6β3 + δ3) (0.51) (0.47) (0.55) (0.58)

Other Programs X X X XExcludes States with Nuclear in Original RPS XExcludes Hawaii XState FE X X X XYear FE X XYear-Region FE XYear-Division FE XN 1248 1274 1300 1300

Retail Electricity Price

Notes: The (a) columns report the aggregate effect 7 years after RPS passage from the mean-shift model given by Equation(8). The (b) columns report the same effect from the trend-break model given by Equation (9). Coefficient estimates are forstates with data 7 years before and 7 years after RPS passage. Year-Region fixed effects are for all combinations of years andCensus regions. Year-Division fixed effects are for all combinations of years and Census divisions. The two states with nuclearin their original RPS are Massachusetts and Ohio. One specification excludes Hawaii due to its geographic isolation and thusits inability to trade electricity across state borders. Standard errors are clustered at the state-level.Asterisks denote p-values: < 0.10 (*), < 0.05 (**), < 0.01 (***).


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Table 4: Heterogeneous Effects of RPS Programs on Retail Electricity Prices

Total ResidentialPanel A: Late Adopters

Effect of RPS 7 years after passage 1.19 1.53(6β3 + δ3) (0.82) (0.92)

(Effect of RPS)*Late -0.12 0.27(1.51) (1.51)

Panel B: Ever RestructuredEffect of RPS 7 years after passage 1.99* 2.35**(6β3 + δ3) (1.17) (1.17)

(Effect of RPS)*Restructured -0.86 -0.69(1.33) (1.38)

Panel C: Has Solar Set-AsideEffect of RPS 7 years after passage 0.70 1.07(6β3 + δ3) (0.75) (0.90)

(Effect of RPS)*Solar Set-Aside 1.22 1.36(1.19) (1.20)

Panel D: Heavy Coal StatesEffect of RPS 7 years after passage 0.78 1.31(6β3 + δ3) (0.84) (0.96)

(Effect of RPS)*Heavy Coal 0.95 0.82(1.21) (1.27)

State FE Yes YesYear FE Yes YesOther Programs Yes YesN 1300 1300

Notes: The coefficients give the aggregate effect of RPS programs on total and residential retail prices 7 years after passageestimated from the trend-break model. The top row in each panel shows the coefficient for the subset of states not in thegiven category and the bottom row shows the difference in the coefficient for the given subset. All coefficient estimates are forstates with data 7 years before and 7 years after RPS passage. Using Equation (9) notation, the effect of RPS 7 years afterpassage is 6β3 + δ3. Standard errors are clustered at the state-level.Asterisks denote p-values: < 0.10 (*), < 0.05 (**), < 0.01 (***).


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Table 5: RPS Effect on Sales and Employment

Total Total Manufacturing Manufacturing(1a) (1b) (2a) (2b) (3a) (3b)

Mean Shift (δ3) -0.01 0.001 -0.037(0.02) (0.016) (0.028)

Effect of RPS 7 years after passage 0.01 0.024 -0.022(6β3 + δ3) (0.03) (0.022) (0.035)

State FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesYear FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesOther Programs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesN 1300 1300 1200 1200 1200 1200


Notes: The dependent variable in Columns (1a) and (1b) is the log of total sales in MWh. The dependent variable in Columns (2a) and (2b) is the log of total employment ineach state; in Column (3a) and (3b) is log manufacturing employment. The (a)-columns show the mean-shift estimates from Equation (8) for sales or employment. The(b)-columns report the aggregate effect 7 years after program passage from the trend-break model given by Equation (9). Coefficient estimates are for states with data 7 yearsbefore and 7 years after RPS passage. Using Equation (9) notation, the effect of RPS 7 years after passage is 6β3 + δ3. Standard errors are clustered at the state-level.Asterisks denote p-values: < 0.10 (*), < 0.05 (**), < 0.01 (***).


(PDF) WORKING PAPER Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver?· 2019-05-13· Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver? Michael Greenstoney Ishan Nathz May 9, 2019 Abstract Renewable - PDFSLIDE.NET (40)

Table 6: Estimates of RPS Impact on Generation and CO2 Emissions (Trend Break)

Hydro Solar WindOther

Renewables Coal Natural Gas Petroleum Nuclear CO2 intensity(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Panel A: Unweighted

Effect of RPS 7 years after passage 2.87 -0.08 1.22** 0.53 -1.27 1.26 -1.68 -2.78 -0.029(6β3 + δ3) (2.46) (0.13) (0.56) (0.48) (3.70) (3.80) (1.39) (3.03) (0.034)

Effect of RPS 12 years after passage 4.87 0.04 2.84*** 0.26 3.37 -2.17 -3.83 -5.62 -0.043(11β3 + δ3) (3.80) (0.18) (1.05) (0.87) (7.70) (8.32) (3.54) (4.94) (0.057)

Panel B: Weighted

Effect of RPS 7 years after passage 9.97 -0.39 0.98 0.86 -6.28 -4.98 -1.42 0.95 -0.101(6β3 + δ3) (6.19) (0.29) (1.35) (0.77) (4.38) (7.14) (2.63) (4.12) (0.062)

Effect of RPS 12 years after passage 16.33 -0.23 0.93 1.24 -5.90 -9.89 -4.47 1.14 -0.149(11β3 + δ3) (9.06) (0.28) (1.77) (1.35) (6.44) (14.92) (5.75) (7.06) (0.089)

Mean at ! = -1 4.53 0.00 0.07 2.42 48.28 14.60 7.56 21.98 0.641Region FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesYear FE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesOther Programs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes YesN 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260 260

Notes: Columns (1) through (8) show estimates from Equation (9), each with a specific generation source as the dependent variable. Column (9) also shows estimates fromEquation (9), but uses the CO2 emissions intensity as the dependent variable. Coefficient estimates are either for states with data 7 years before and 7 years after RPSpassage, or for states with data 7 years before and 12 years after RPS passage. Using Equation (9) notation, the effect of RPS 7 years after passage is 6β3 + δ3, and the effectof RPS 12 years after passage is 11β3 + δ3. Panel A is a region-level generation-weighted average of the states in the region, unweighted by count of states in each REC-region.Panel B additionally includes state count as regression weights. Standard errors are clustered at the REC region-level.Asterisks denote p-value < 0.10 (*), < 0.05 (**), < 0.01 (***).


(PDF) WORKING PAPER Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver?· 2019-05-13· Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver? Michael Greenstoney Ishan Nathz May 9, 2019 Abstract Renewable - PDFSLIDE.NET (41)

Table 7: Estimated Cost of Abating CO2 Emissions from RPS

CO2 Reduction(mm ton)

Cost to Consumers (bn $)

Cost per Ton Reduced ($)

(1) (2) (3)

Panel A: Unweighted

Cumulative Effect of RPS 236.1 125.2 530(for first 7 years after passage)

Effect of RPS 7 years after passage 71.5 29.5 412(6β3 + δ3)

Effect of RPS 12 years after passage 62.8 28.2 449(11β3 + δ3)

Panel B: WeightedCumulative Effect of RPS 1,011.8 125.2 124(for first 7 years after passage)

Effect of RPS 7 years after passage 249.8 29.5 118(6β3 + δ3)

Effect of RPS 12 years after passage 217.6 28.2 129(11β3 + δ3)

State Count 7 years after passage 29 29 29State Count 12 years after passage 16 16 16

Notes: Column (1) shows estimates from Equation (9) estimated at the REC level, where Panel A excludes and Panel B includes state-count weights. Column (2) showsestimates from Equation (9) estimated at the state level, so no state-count weights are used in either panel. Column (3) is the ratio of column (2) to (1). The cumulative effectof RPS is the sum of the year-by-year effects for τ = 0 through τ = 6 inclusive.


(PDF) WORKING PAPER Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver?· 2019-05-13· Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver? Michael Greenstoney Ishan Nathz May 9, 2019 Abstract Renewable - PDFSLIDE.NET (42)

11 Appendix

Figure A.1: REC Tracking Markets

Source: EPA.


(PDF) WORKING PAPER Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver?· 2019-05-13· Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver? Michael Greenstoney Ishan Nathz May 9, 2019 Abstract Renewable - PDFSLIDE.NET (43)

Figure A.2: Estimated Effects of RPS Programs on Net Renewable Requirements and RetailElectricity Prices (Extended Post Period)

(a) Net RPS Requirements









% R




-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10Year Relative to Program Passage

(b) Retail Prices







ts p

er k


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10Year Relative to Program Passage

Source: EIA; LBNL; Department of Energy and state government websites.Notes: Graph (a) shows the mean net RPS requirement percentage for event years τ = -7 to τ = 11. Graph (b) shows coefficientsfor στ for τ = -7 to τ = 11 from the event study specification in Equation (7) for retail electricity prices on indicator variablesfor years relative to program passage, controlling for state, year, and other programs fixed effects. Blue lines show the pointestimates and gray lines contain the 95% confidence interval. Gross RPS requirement data are from the LBNL. Electricity pricedata and electricity generation for calculating net requirement are from the EIA. RPS program passage dates and requirementsare from the Department of Energy and state government websites. Standard errors are clustered at the state-level.


(PDF) WORKING PAPER Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver?· 2019-05-13· Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver? Michael Greenstoney Ishan Nathz May 9, 2019 Abstract Renewable - PDFSLIDE.NET (44)

Figure A.3: Estimated Effects of RPS Programs on Gross Renewable Requirements (Ex-tended Post Period)










% R




-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10Year Relative to Program Passage

Source: LBNL; Department of Energy and state government websites.Notes: The graph shows the mean gross RPS requirement percentage for event years τ = -7 to τ = 11.


(PDF) WORKING PAPER Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver?· 2019-05-13· Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver? Michael Greenstoney Ishan Nathz May 9, 2019 Abstract Renewable - PDFSLIDE.NET (45)

Figure A.4: Electricity Prices Before and After RPS Passage, by Sector









ts p

er k


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6










ts p

er k


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6










ts p

er k


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6










ts p

er k


-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6


Source: EIA; LBNL; Department of Energy and state government websites.Notes: Graphs show coefficients for στ for τ = -7 to τ = 6 from the event study specification in Equation (7). This specification regresses the dependent variable - retailelectricity prices - on indicator variables for years relative to program passage, controlling for state, year, and other programs fixed effects. Blue lines show the point estimatesand gray lines contain the 95% confidence interval. Electricity price data are from the EIA. Standard errors are clustered at the state-level.


(PDF) WORKING PAPER Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver?· 2019-05-13· Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver? Michael Greenstoney Ishan Nathz May 9, 2019 Abstract Renewable - PDFSLIDE.NET (46)

Figure A.5: CO2 Emissions Intensity Before and After RPS Passage













s In



-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6














s In



-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6












s In



-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10












s In



-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10


Source: EIA; LBNL; Department of Energy and state government websites.Notes: Graphs show coefficients for στ from the event study specification in Equation (7). This specification regresses the dependent variable - CO2 emissions intensity - onindicator variables for years relative to program passage, controlling for REC regions and year fixed effects, as well as other programs fixed effects whose values are a generation-weighted average of the states’ indicator values within a given REC region. The plots labelled ”Weighted” use state-count weights, and the ones labelled ”Unweighted” do not.The top two plots show a narrower time frame, from τ = −7 to τ = 6, where we have a balanced panel of 29 states. The bottom two plots show a larger time frame in which wehave an unbalanced panel that varies from 29 to 16 states. Blue lines show the point estimates and gray lines contain the 95% confidence interval. Standard errors are clusteredat the REC region level.


(PDF) WORKING PAPER Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver? · 2019-05-13 · Do Renewable Portfolio Standards Deliver? Michael Greenstoney Ishan Nathz May 9, 2019 Abstract Renewable - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)


What are the renewable portfolio standards? ›

Introduction. Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) require that a specified percentage of the electricity utilities sell comes from renewable resources. States have created these standards to diversify their energy resources, promote domestic energy production and encourage economic development.

What are the cons of renewable portfolio standards? ›

Despite their popularity, however, renewable portfolio standards may not achieve their environmental ends in a cost-effective manner. Basic analysis of the effects of implementing RPS shows only a nominal impact on carbon emissions, but a large impact on electricity prices.

What is the IL Renewable Portfolio Standard? ›

Each state's RPS has its own goals, targets, timelines, and REC eligibility criteria. For example, the Illinois RPS requires electric utilities to obtain 40% of their electric power from renewable resources by 2030 and 50% by 2040 through the procurement of RECs.

What is the Texas Renewable Portfolio Standard? ›

Texas's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is intended to increase use of this and other renewable resources in the state. The RPS establishes the minimum amount of renewable energy that the state's electricity providers must sell, in a given year.

Who enforces renewable portfolio standards? ›

The California Energy Commission (CEC) is responsible for the certification of electrical generation facilities as eligible renewable energy resources and adopting regulations for the enforcement of RPS procurement requirements of public owned utilities(POUs).

How many states have a renewable portfolio standard? ›

A Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is a regulation that requires the increased production of energy from renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal, which have been adopted in 38 of 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.

How to invest in renewable energy stocks? ›

There are two ways to invest in renewable energy: either by buying the equities or bonds of the electricity or utility companies supplying the energy, or of the companies making components for the equipment that is needed to create power.

What is the need for RPS? ›

A Resource Planning System (RPS) enables the demand-oriented planning of personnel deployment in a company. For this purpose, an RPS addresses the question of which resources are required to what extent in order to fulfil an order, usually within a specified time frame.

Where does Texas rank in renewable energy? ›

About 163,000 megawatts of capacity overall are in the works throughout the United States. Texas ranks No. 1 for total operating wind capacity and total operating solar capacity, and comes in second for operating storage capacity.

What is the difference between ERCOT and ISO? ›

ERCOT is the first independent system operator (ISO) in the United States.

How much of Texas electricity is from renewables? ›

Renewable sources provided almost three-tenths of total state electricity net generation in Texas in 2023. The state accounted for about 16% of the nation's total electricity generation from renewable sources.

What are RECs and PPAs? ›

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are the most commonly used ways to do that. RECs are essentially investments in alternative energy. A REC is created for every megawatt-hour of renewable electricity generated by a power supplier.

What is the renewable portfolio standard in China? ›

In 2019 China established the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) where wholesale market players are required to source a portion of their electricity from renewables. But the roll out of the scheme has introduced a systematic double counting risk for corporate RE claims related to the use of GECs.

What is the renewable energy Portfolio Standard Act of 2004? ›

Under these laws, the Energy Commission is required to certify electrical generation facilities as eligible renewable energy resources that may be used by retail sellers of electricity and POUs to satisfy their RPS procurement requirements, develop an accounting system to verify retail sellers' and POUs' compliance ...

What is an ISO in renewable energy? ›

What is ISO in renewable energy? The ISO standards are internationally agreed-upon guidelines and requirements for energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions. They provide a strong technical foundation for government to achieve its domestic and international energy goals.


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