Download and install GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application (Windows) (2024)

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Download and install GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application (Windows) (1)

Download and install GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application (Windows) (2)

Download and install GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application (Windows)

Learn how to download and install the GoToAssist Expert desktop app from various browsers.

When you download the GoToAssist Expert desktop application (so that you can host support sessions), an installation package (including the GoTo Opener application) will be downloaded onto your computer. By running this installation package and leaving the applications installed, you will be able to quickly and easily start sessions and re-install the application, if needed.

With the GoToAssist Expert desktop application, you can essentially use the GoToAssist Remote Support v4 features.

These instructions apply to Windows agents only. For instructions that apply to Mac agents, see Download and install GoToAssist Expert Desktop App (Mac) for more information. Additionally, you can view the System requirements for agents.

Does your version look different? Please see instructions for using GoToAssist Remote Support v5.

Download the GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application

Note: Agents will be prompted to log in with their account credentials once the application has installed. For detailed installation instructions, please see below.

Download and install GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application (Windows) (3) Windows Download and install GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application (Windows) (4)

About the installation package

The installation package includes the following components:

  • GoToAssist Expert desktop application

    This is the main software that you use to host support sessions and connect to your devices (i.e., unattended support computers).

  • GoTo Opener application

    This "helper" application downloads as the GoToAssist Opener.exe, then installs as the GoTo Opener. This application is required to install and launch the GoToAssist Expert desktop application. It must be installed on your computer, even if the GoToAssist Expert application is already installed.

    Note: If you remove the GoTo Opener application at a later time, you'll need to go through the entire download process each time you start a support session from the web app. We don"t recommend that you do this if you frequently start sessions from the web.

Install instantly

  1. Go to
  2. The download will begin automatically.
    • If the GoTo Opener application is not installed (either first time using or it was removed), then the GoToAssist Opener.exe file will automatically start downloading.
    • If the GoTo Opener application is already installed, then some or all of the following steps will be skipped. The web browser will automatically start the GoToAssist Opener app, which will then launch the GoToAssist Expert desktop application (or install it again, if needed).
  3. Continue to instructions for each web browser, then on to Step #4 to complete the download and installation steps.

Install via the Web App

You must log in to your account first to install the GoToAssist Expert desktop application.

  1. Log in at
  2. On your Dashboard, click Start session.
    • If the GoTo Opener application is not installed (either first time using or it was removed), then the GoToAssist Opener.exe file will automatically start downloading.
    • If the GoTo Opener application is already installed, then some or all of the following steps will be skipped. The web browser will automatically launch the GoToAssist Opener.exe file, which will then launch the GoToAssist Expert desktop application (or install it again, if needed).
  3. Continue to instructions for each web browser, then on to Step #4 to complete the download and installation steps.

Download and install GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application (Windows) (5)

Instructions for each web browser

Once you have downloaded the GoToAssist Opener.exe, you can complete the installation steps for the browser you are using, as follows:

Mozilla Firefox

  • When the download finishes, click Open link when prompted by the "Launch Application" dialog (click Start Session again if you need to restart the download) and the GoTo Opener app will install.

Google Chrome

  • When the download finishes, click Open GoTo Opener (if desired, check the "Always..." box to open these file types automatically in the future) link in the bottom-left of the page to open the file, then click Run when prompted and the GoTo Opener app will install.

Internet Explorer

  • When the download finishes, click Run if prompted and the GoTo Opener will install.

Microsoft Edge

  • Click Save when prompted, then when the download finishes, click Run and the GoTo Opener will install. If needed, click Start Session in the browser window to restart the download.
  1. If prompted by User Account Control, click Yes. The GoToAssist Expert desktop application will be automatically launched, and the agent can start hosting support sessions with customers.

    Note: If customers remove the GoTo Opener application at a later time, they'll need to go through the entire download process again. We don"t recommend that customers do this if they frequently join support sessions, as they will lose the benefit of faster join times.

    Download and install GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application (Windows) (6)

  2. If prompted, log in to the GoToAssist Expert desktop application.

    Download and install GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application (Windows) (7)

  3. The GoToAssist Expert desktop application will launch the Viewer window with a new support session (if enabled by your account admin), otherwise a blank window is displayed. See Use the GoToAssist Expert Desktop app (Windows) for next steps.

Download and install GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application (Windows) (8)

Article last updated: 27 September, 2022

Download and install GoToAssist Expert Desktop Application (Windows) (2024)


How to install GoToAssist? ›

Install via the Web App

Log in at On your Dashboard, click Start session. If the GoTo Opener application is not installed (either first time using or it was removed), then the GoToAssist Opener.exe file will automatically start downloading.

What is the GoToAssist app? ›

GoToAssist is an effective, lightweight remote support solution for live end-user support and unattended computer access that comes with every feature you need to resolve customer issues quickly.

Is GoToAssist free? ›

You can start using GoToAssist right away by signing up for a free trial or purchasing a plan. You can include both the Remote Support and Service Desk modules in your free trial, then later convert to a subscription plan for the module(s) that best suit your organization's needs.

How to setup unattended access on GoToAssist? ›

It is recommended that the user setting up unattended access is physically present at the computer during the setup process. Go to Click Set Up Unattended Support. Once the GoToAssist Customer desktop application has downloaded click on it to open and run the installer.

How to use GoToAssist on Windows? ›

Install the GoToAssist agent desktop application. Open the application on your computer. Log in with your agent email address and password. Go to Session > Start Session from within the application, or right-click on the application's system tray icon and select Start Support Session.

What is the new name for GoToAssist? ›

GoToAssist is now GoTo Resolve. Unified RMM & Remote Access Software.

Is GoToAssist safe? ›

All GoToAssist data is fully encrypted end-to-end using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and government-approved 128-bit or 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption combined with RSA public/private key encryption.

Who owns GoToAssist? ›

In 2017, LogMeIn, a SaaS company in Boston, completed the acquisition (through merger) with Citrix's GetGo family of products including GoToAssist.

How does GoTo app work? ›

The GoTo app is an always-on collaboration workplace with one point of access for all communication needs including messaging, meetings, voice, trainings, webinars, and larger virtual events.

How much is a GoToAssist license? ›

Compare Splashtop vs GoToAssist Cost
Splashtop SOSGoToAssist
Starting at$199/year$660/year
Mobile device support (iOS & Android)Included for freeExtra $240 per agent per year
Total including mobile device support starting at$199/year$900/year

Is Go to my PC free? ›

Try it free for 7 days or buy it now. GoToMyPC Corporate is for 10-1,000+ users. GoToMyPC Corporate allows companies of any size to roll out and manage a corporate teleworking plan in minutes. It is a highly secure and cost-effective way for employees to access their computers and corporate resources remotely.

How to create a login for GoTo? ›

If you do not have a GoTo account, you can create one using this website.
  1. On top of this page, click Sign Up in the upper right hand corner.
  2. In Sign Up for a GoTo account, enter your first name, last name, email, and a password. Confirm the password and click Sign up. The Verify Your Email screen displays.

How do I add a device to GoToAssist? ›

Download the GoTo app now!
  1. Sign in to GoTo Admin.
  2. From. Click to enlarge Devices, select + Add device.
  3. Choose your device type: ...
  4. Enter a Name. ...
  5. Enter the MAC address for the device. ...
  6. Assign a license to activate the device: ...
  7. Choose a Model from the drop-down menu. ...
  8. Optional: Enter Notes as needed.

What is the difference between remote support and unattended access? ›

While remote support is fantastic for real-time troubleshooting, unattended access takes it a step further. Unattended access is an extension within remote support software that allows authorized individuals to access and control a computer or other connected device without anyone being physically present.

How to uninstall GoToAssist on Mac? ›

Uninstall the GoToAssist Expert desktop application (Mac)
  1. Click Applications from the Favorites menu in the left navigation.
  2. Right-click on the GoToAssist Expert desktop application, then click Move to Trash.
Sep 27, 2022

How do I log out of GoToAssist? ›

Log out in any of the following ways:
  1. In the upper-right corner of the HelpAlert List View window, click the window's close button .
  2. From the menu bar of the HelpAlert List View window, choose File then Exit.
  3. Right-click the GoToAssist System Tray icon and select Exit (Phone Mode configuration only).


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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