443410 – Please restore the Desktop Cube switching effect (2024)

Description K.J. Petrie 2021-10-06 20:11:03 UTC

SUMMARYThe desktop cube is for many the distinguishing feature of KDE Plasma. It marks it out from all the other DEs and makes it more useful and user-friendly than the alternatives. It is the reason I chose KDE. Now I hear it is to be removed in the next release and I must implore you to think again.Being able to hit a simple key combination and swivel to a fresh workspace is a boon to productivity and makes Plasma such a joy to use, being able to distance and rotate the desktop enables a quick and intuitive overview of layouts and locations in organising work. Without it I, and I'm sure many others, will be much impoverished.The rest of the template is about technical details and is unnecessary in this case, as those who have taken this vital component out will know precisely what they have done and what needs to be done to put it back. All that is needed is a little good will and understanding.Without that, I fear KDE will lose favour with its supporters and something else will take its place in due course, but I'd rather not have the upheaval.

Comment 1 Aragorn 2021-10-06 23:48:02 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

I second all of the above. For myself, the cube ─ actually, in my case it's more of a carousel, given that I have 12 virtual desktops ─ is an indispensable feature of Plasma. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, I also find it very intuitive, and its removal would seriously cripple my workflow.There are many, many people who use this feature [*], and all for the same reason, namely that it's an intuitive way of switching between virtual desktops, and especially so adjacent ones.[*] I am a moderator at the Manjaro forum, so I have a very good idea how many of our Plasma-using members are using (and fond of) the cube effect. I am also a regular in various GNU/Linux newsgroups on Usenet, and the feature is very popular among the Plasma-using posters there as well, across many different distributions.

Comment 2 Dean Schaf 2021-10-07 05:21:54 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

I should like to know why you're intending to remove the "Desktop Cube" from KDE Plasma? That feature is one of the things that first drew me into KDE. I use the "Desktop Cube" to organize all the programs that I keep open and to flip between them with keyboard shortcuts that I have become used to using.I don't want you to remove the "Desktop Cube". Of course, since tyrannical dictatorship is the order of the day, and you've probably already made up your dictatorial little minds to remove "Desktop Cube", you'll just have more glee the more people you disappoint.

Comment 3 Vlad Zahorodnii 2021-10-07 07:32:22 UTC

This was discussed back in May. See https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kwin/2021-May/005222.html for the reason why the effect was dropped.I'm afraid that we can't bring the effect back because rendering abstractions have changed quite a bit. One would need to rewrite the effect from scratch. As discussed in the mailing list thread, we would like to have the effect reimplemented in qml (like the overview effect), but we don't have man power resources to do so. It will be great if the community helps with the port of the effect to qml.

Comment 4 Bogdan 2021-10-07 07:50:56 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Hello,Came by just in support for those that already mentioned, either here or in other community platforms, that removing Desktop Cube doesn't quite seem justified, and in fact will be like cutting the pinky of a pianist. Might sound harsh, but all the features of KDE Plasma made me and others recommend it and use it for the versatility and the choices to improve workflow.Please kindly reconsider your decision.

Comment 5 locutusofborg 2021-10-07 13:20:05 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

I agree these customizations need to be kept. I and my roommate both use them. Thanks

Comment 6 Aragorn 2021-10-07 13:47:31 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

(In reply to Vlad Zahorodnii from comment #3)> This was discussed back in May. See> https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kwin/2021-May/005222.html for the reason why> the effect was dropped.> > I'm afraid that we can't bring the effect back because rendering> abstractions have changed quite a bit. One would need to rewrite the effect> from scratch. As discussed in the mailing list thread, we would like to have> the effect reimplemented in qml (like the overview effect), but we don't> have man power resources to do so. It will be great if the community helps> with the port of the effect to qml.Forgive me for sounding hostile, and I fully appreciate that the effect(s) would need to be rewritten in order to ensure compatibility with the evolution of the Plasma desktop, but from the email exchange you've linked to here-above, it appears to rather be a matter of not having any motivation to do so instead of a matter of not having the manpower or the resources, as well as a matter of not being in touch with your user base.You are all in control of how Plasma works and how it evolves. Therefore, you are also in control of which aspects of the software you wish to advance to the next level first. If the new "scene" ─ as you guys call it ─ requires the rewriting of those effects, then perhaps you are pushing out this new "scene" prematurely at the cost of breaking existing features, and ─ forgive me for saying this ─ you guys unfortunately have a history of doing that. Plasma 4 springs to mind, as well as that it took you guys until 5.10 before the global menu ─ a feature that had already more or less been present (even if only for Qt applications only at the time) in KDE 1.x, 2.x and 3.x ─ was reintroduced, in spite of the very popular demand throughout the entire life cycle of Plasma 4 and up until 5.10.There's an old saying that goes "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", just as there is another saying that goes "Whatever you're going to do, if you're going to do it, then you should do it well."If you break something, then you're also taking the responsibility upon you to fix it again. Don't hide behind the excuse of not having the resources and/or the manpower. Again, I've read the email exchange that you linked to, and it's not a matter of "we don't have the resources", but of "let's just drop it, because hardly anybody's using it anyway." It's not the resources that are the problem; it's the attitude.

Comment 7 Nate Graham 2021-10-07 16:27:41 UTC

I also would have preferred to maintain compatibility with existing effects, but unfortunately what's done is done. At this point it needs to be rewritten from scratch. Marking as CONFIRMED since there is no objection to anyone doing so.

Comment 8 Patrick Silva 2021-10-07 23:15:23 UTC

dupe of bug 438883 ?

Comment 9 K.J. Petrie 2021-10-08 12:46:03 UTC

It appear to be, but since most of the discussion has happened here I'm not sure which is the best way to merge them without risking these comments being lost from sight.I do think arguing about resources misses the point. The question is what is the purpose of a desktop? Is it to be a vehicle for its authors to write elegant code or to provide functionality to users? I can quite understand the desire to streamline code. that's always a good thing to aim for, but I would question whether that should be done in a way which deprives users of features they need, at least if it doesn't provide something of equivalent utility. If users came first, wouldn't the correct approach be to rewrite or replace functionality first so it were ready for the new streamlined code when that comes along? The approach of break it first and then see whether we can provide something similar later might be OK as a development approach, but not in released production versions.In my first-year woodworking class at school the teacher gave us the assignment of designing a toast rack. We all set to work drawing things we thought we could make which would do the job, until one boy asked the teacher "How big is a slice of bread?" The teacher congratulated him on his inside. Good design begins with purpose - identifying the required function - and that produces a specification the design needs to fulfil. You shouldn't start from what you want to make, but what it needs to be to achieve its purpose. Form follows function.It's a good principle to bear in mind.

Comment 10 Nate Graham 2021-10-08 15:29:33 UTC

(In reply to Patrick Silva from comment #8)> dupe of bug 438883 ?Oops, indeed.For the people upset about this, I hear you and I agree. It's simply a sad fact of life that sometimes old things need to get broken to fix other things. It's not about abstractly making the code better, it's to support current and future needs. We'll try to get this effect re-implemented at some point.*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 438883 ***

Comment 11 Vladimir Yerilov 2021-10-08 16:40:17 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

What a shame. Frankly, I don't care about cube effect, but Flip and Cover switch are the coolest window switch effects and I will miss them.Could someone shed a light what's the purpose of this change? I mean not technical details, but a broader description. What I suspect is that it is related to the improvement of Wayland support. Am I correct?

Comment 12 RobinK 2021-10-09 21:44:21 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #10)> (In reply to Patrick Silva from comment #8)> > dupe of bug 438883 ?> Oops, indeed.> > For the people upset about this, I hear you and I agree. It's simply a sad> fact of life that sometimes old things need to get broken to fix other> things. It's not about abstractly making the code better, it's to support> current and future needs. We'll try to get this effect re-implemented at> some point.> > *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 438883 ***Thank you. As a simple user I'd be very obliged if the cube and animations were restored.

Comment 13 Duns 2021-10-15 07:35:17 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

I agree: it would be good if cube animation was restored

Comment 14 João Carlos 2021-10-15 21:08:35 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Gostaria muito que o efeito cubo continuasse funcionando ja que eu uso bastante

Comment 15 Thomas Bettler 2021-10-16 19:01:30 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

I agree: it would be good if cube animation was restored

Comment 16 Manuel 2021-10-17 20:09:57 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Please, restore the Desktop Cube switching effect.The cube effect is NECESSARY for KDE to be the KOOL Desktop Environment.Please put the Cube effect back on. My desk is not the same without it.Without excuses.

Comment 17 Paul Hands 2021-10-17 21:31:32 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

I want to add my voice to the list of people who hate that the Desktop Cube has been removed. I did a routine (246 items, no way to read all the change notes) update yesterday, which required a reboot, and when it came back up, that effect was just gone...no warning or option to not upgrade...how very like windows or apple..total disdain for the user. A KDE user since KDE 3 (way back in 2002) I've been using cube exclusively for at least 10 years, and it is, to me, one of the defining features that made KDE the best in its class. I use it every day, all day. Multiple desktops on the cube, each with a different focus...development, testing, documentation, multimedia, games... This is likely to make me stop using KDE completely. Is there any sign of a plan and timeline to rebuild it in QML, or shall I just try to go back to Compiz? I guess it's time to see if Gnome is any good these days.

Comment 18 Maximilian Böhm 2021-10-18 10:54:23 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Avid Cube user here too. I’m using this effect since the Compiz days in 2007, switched over to Plasma 4’s Kwin in 2011 and used this effect ever since – inclusive the switch animation and even associated a mouse button to activate cube view to turn the cube. It has been a tremendous effective demo for potential Linux switchers. I have even loved the 3D stacked view of floating windows in the cube view. ;((The slide animation has no soul to it. It’s terribly sterile. And I’m loosing my mental concept of windows stacked in a virtual space.What’s next, remove wobbly windows? Guys, that’s a bummer! ;((If it had low statistic usage, maybe because it wasn’t the default? Just a wild guess.If there is potential of a feature bounty, count me in to invest in restoring this jewel.

Comment 19 Maximilian Böhm 2021-10-18 11:04:32 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Addendum: Now discovered that the 3D window switch effect is gone too. Guuuy, I’m crying, that’s no overstatement. This better reproduction of Vistas Flip 3D effect was my standard switcher and I LOOOOVED it SO MUCH! Such a great representation of all my windows in 3D space, it was truly a masterpiece and got much attention of potential Linux switchers. You are crippling the user experience of your power users with this horrible premature choice.

Comment 20 Maximilian Böhm 2021-10-18 11:34:43 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

(Please forgive my grammatical errors, writing while shedding tears is not the optimal circ*mstance for using a bugtracker.)

Comment 21 Aragorn 2021-10-18 14:45:34 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

(In reply to Maximilian Böhm from comment #19)> [...] This better reproduction of Vistas Flip 3D effect [...]To be fair, it was Vista which stole that (and other) effect(s) from Kwin and Compiz, not the other way around. ;)Compiz and its fork Beryl were the first window managers to implement 3D effects ─ including the "flip switch" ─ followed by KWin in Plasma 4. Both were already long in active use while Vista was still in very early development.But then again, Microsoft has never really been original, has it? Everything they've released had always been bought, borrowed or stolen from elsewhere, and Windows Vista was developed during a time that Microsoft was still led by Steve Ballmer, who had declared war on GNU/Linux, calling it "a cancer"."Embrace, extend, extinguish", remember? ;)</off-topic>

Comment 22 Maximilian Böhm 2021-10-18 15:55:49 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Not true, Vista came out in November of 2006. Same year I first played with XGL and an early Compiz. Vista Beta 1 already had the Aero Glass UI with Flip 3D in 2005. It was Microsoft’s attempt to out-bling Apple’s Exposé, albeit with an inadequate desktop integration. Maybe you are mistaking it with Windows 7? So in all fairness, Microsoft invented the 3D window stack. Compiz’ 3D cover flip was inspired by iTunes’ albums cover flipping, and its Flip 3D copy came in the same time frame. It was truly a atmosphere of departure for the Linux desktop back then, every month new effect ideas and refinements in Compiz/Beryl/Compiz Fusion. Kwin basically copied the Compiz base effects starting in Plasma 4 whereas Compiz was engulfed by Canonical/Unity and then basically buried. Kwin’s effects arsenal *is* the spiritual successor of Compiz and with that comes some responsibility for users that have based their workflow on its mechanics for about 14 years now.Please forgive my off-topic excursus but this is a pretty emotional affair about what you expect from and love about your personal desktop.

Comment 23 RobinK 2021-10-18 20:05:42 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

(In reply to Maximilian Böhm from comment #20)> (Please forgive my grammatical errors, writing while shedding tears is not> the optimal circ*mstance for using a bugtracker.)True; but I endorse all that you say. I've bave been a Cube-user since before KDE4 provided most of the effects previously provided by Compiz; and the Cube was until its recent rejection one of the main reasons I've stayed with KDE and Plasma ever since. To me it's a core facility without which KDE's Desktop Effects are merely insipid. I wonder where the stipulation that few people use the Cube came from?

Comment 24 Salvo "LtWorf" Tomaselli 2021-10-20 01:00:45 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Adding my name to the list of people who use the cube and the nice alt+tab switcher that are now gone.

Comment 25 Bharadwaj Raju 2021-10-20 06:26:33 UTC

(In reply to Aragorn from comment #6) > Forgive me for sounding hostile, and I fully appreciate that the effect(s)> would need to be rewritten in order to ensure compatibility with the> evolution of the Plasma desktop, but from the email exchange you've linked> to here-above, it appears to rather be a matter of not having any motivation> to do so instead of a matter of not having the manpower or the resources, as> well as a matter of not being in touch with your user base.> > You are all in control of how Plasma works and how it evolves. Therefore,> you are also in control of which aspects of the software you wish to advance> to the next level first. > > If the new "scene" ─ as you guys call it ─ requires the rewriting of those> effects, then perhaps you are pushing out this new "scene" prematurely at> the cost of breaking existing features, and ─ forgive me for saying this ─> you guys unfortunately have a history of doing that. Plasma 4 springs to> mind, as well as that it took you guys until 5.10 before the global menu ─ a> feature that had already more or less been present (even if only for Qt> applications only at the time) in KDE 1.x, 2.x and 3.x ─ was reintroduced,> in spite of the very popular demand throughout the entire life cycle of> Plasma 4 and up until 5.10.> > There's an old saying that goes "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", just as> there is another saying that goes "Whatever you're going to do, if you're> going to do it, then you should do it well."> > If you break something, then you're also taking the responsibility upon you> to fix it again. Don't hide behind the excuse of not having the resources> and/or the manpower. Again, I've read the email exchange that you linked> to, and it's not a matter of "we don't have the resources", but of "let's> just drop it, because hardly anybody's using it anyway." > > It's not the resources that are the problem; it's the attitude.The reworking of the rendering scene introduces many improvements in areas used far more often than the desktop cube. And make no mistake, it *is* a question of resources. Rewriting the cube effect is going to take resources, obviously. And the improvements gained and glitches fixed by reworking the scene code just outweighs the desktop cube, both in importance and in number of people affected.Even then, it *is* going to be rewritten, have patience.KDE is a volunteer project. The devs are volunteers. I would ask everyone to be more considerate of that fact.

Comment 26 Satyam 2021-10-26 07:40:48 UTC

(In reply to Bharadwaj Raju from comment #25)> (In reply to Aragorn from comment #6) > > KDE is a volunteer project. The devs are volunteers. I would ask everyone to> be more considerate of that fact.I agree with everyone. I really like the desktop cube. I moved to KDE from Compiz many years ago when KDE added the desktop cube and many of the compositing features of Compiz.That said I also understand that it's a community project of volunteers and don't have expectations, and do have much appreciation.I'm curious about why it was mentioned that it would be good to rewrite it in QML. I know a lot of Plasma things are in QML now, but isn't performance a consideration for something like that?

Comment 27 CatKiller 2021-10-26 21:21:10 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

When you're re-implementing the desktop cube in your new framework, if there was a way to also implement Compiz' old effect that made windows go up in flames when you close them, that would make me super happy.

Comment 28 Wolfram Köhn 2021-10-27 15:15:43 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

I also liked the cube. Please bring it back !!!

Comment 29 Dean Schaf 2021-11-05 16:47:12 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

2011-11-05Still no Flip-Switch and still no 3-D Desktop CubeThey're forever dead!Every Friday, I yearn to report that Flip-Switch and3-D Desktop Cube are still dead so that I can maintainmy melancholy despondency about the demise of KDE.Farewell noble services. You were loved dearly, but thepowers that be hate you because you brought your usersjoy.

Comment 30 Bharadwaj Raju 2021-11-05 16:58:05 UTC

(In reply to Dean Schaf from comment #29)> 2011-11-05> Still no Flip-Switch and still no 3-D Desktop Cube> > They're forever dead!Greatly exaggerated.https://invent.kde.org/plasma/kdeplasma-addons/-/merge_requests/91> You were loved dearly, but the> powers that be hate you because you brought your users> joy.Wrong reason. The reasoning been explained above, read that.

Comment 31 p.w.stockwell01 2021-11-07 18:51:19 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

I'm really fed up with doing an update on my system, a system I have spent hundreds of hours using and refining to suit my needs to find that once again functionality that I use has been removed or made unusable without any warning prior to the update. KDE is the best full functional configurable Linux desktop, but it is the worst for updates that break things or replace working functionality with something that requires major hardware updating for it to work (Dropping Compiz in favor of clunky slow Plasma) It took months, no years for Plasma to get anywhere near Compiz functionality. The mucking about with login types and the mess that still exist today are just small examples of the continues anoyance. But the one thing Linux users use everyday is the graphic user interface on their screen. It is what sells KDE and Linux to new users, it is what makes the system usable by experienced users. Fundamentally changing it by removing function is both short sited and foolhardy. The only other operating system producer to have been so ridiculously short sighted is Microsoft who to this day have not and may not ever recover the popularity that the windows XP interface had. Microsoft have been able to get away with it because the vast majority of Microsoft end users don't know how to use anything else. Its a level of arrogance that Some haven't survived (Big Blue and the PS2). Please don't be arrogant by assuming people didn't use the cube or by saying you don't have the resources to maintain KDE without taking backward functionality steps and it doesn't matter because other stuff is more important. Nothing is more important than how KDE looks and feels it is after all a graphics user interface.

Comment 32 Satyam 2021-11-07 19:05:56 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

(In reply to p.w.stockwell01 from comment #31)> I'm really fed up with doing an update on my system, a system I have spent...I certainly have my share of annoyances and frustrations but I don't lose appreciation and sight of the fact that KDE is a gift by people volunteering time and hard work.

Comment 33 p.w.stockwell01 2021-11-07 19:25:05 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

On 07/11/2021 19:05, Satyam wrote:> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=443410>> --- Comment #32 from Satyam <vayu@oneofthesevenbillion.com> ---> (In reply to p.w.stockwell01 from comment #31)>> I'm really fed up with doing an update on my system, a system I have spent...>> I certainly have my share of annoyances and frustrations but I don't lose> appreciation and sight of the fact that KDE is a gift by people volunteering> time and hard work.People Volunteer because they want to, or dare I say it because they receive remuneration in the many forms that makes them want to carry on, as do I. Whether it is money, status, gratitude or for a feeling of belonging. It is still the case that removing functionality or performance is a bad idea and trying to use prioritization or resource availability as the reason is short sited as it make it seem like a deliberate decision to do it. To say it doesn't matter to the people who use KDE would be arrogant and I'm sure none of the developers intend to be arrogant. I haven't lost site of what KDE is, I have used KDE for years I have loved promoted and supported it despite the difficulties transitioning from KDE4 to 5. But have you lost site of the importance of your user base and the support you need. Every time this sort of thing happens, like many others, I look for alternatives and evaluate if the retrograde step has let another Graphics User Interface take the lead. Don't take this as a complaint or moaning take it as constructive criticism that may make you take things into account that have not been considered.

Comment 34 Mircea Kitsune 2021-11-19 22:38:25 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Although I've no longer been using the desktop cube animation for a while, I second this request: Please don't actually remove it! The last thing an user wants to deal with, alongside running into any major bugs, is features they enjoy going away because someone wise thought it's too obscure to matter. Code cleanness and optimization is a great target to go by in everything, but I strongly believe it must be done without removing entire features with no alternative in place.A bonus thought: This might be a good chance to implement a new and even better desktop cube. I always thought it would be nice if we could have proper 3D effects for windows, such as being able to drag them in full 3D space like sheets of paper. It would be a different feature and unrelated to this discussion, but goes well with the thought of putting something better in place if an older alternative felt less than optimal.

Comment 35 Trebor 2021-11-20 02:05:46 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Created attachment 143753 [details]Please do not remove cube animation!!!! SeriouslyPlease do not remove cube animation it was great and efective because i'm chemistry teacher i can show that way the structures of the molecules to my students and they love it because it's efective and seriously efective. :(:(((((((( now i need to restore my timeshift backup and stop using system update :(((((

Comment 36 Laosom 2021-11-20 14:08:15 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Please rewrite it in QML and restore the dropped effects.There are too many regressions in Plasma since 5.21.The best Linux desktop still, but please listen to the fans.

Comment 37 Bharadwaj Raju 2021-11-20 14:19:17 UTC

It is going to be redone in QML and brought back. The flip and cover switch effects even have am MR in progress.Adding comments here is not helping. Either write it, or wait and don't spam what basically everyone has already said again and again.

Comment 38 Marek Brunda 2021-11-22 13:05:36 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Maybe it's time to move to another desktop after 10 years...

Comment 39 jonzn4SUSE 2021-12-25 20:49:11 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Yes, bring it back please! I've always run 6 desktops and enjoyed the animation for years! ;-))I can't understand why it would be taken away in the first place, would love to hear the reason.

Comment 40 siauderman 2022-02-28 03:17:37 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Hi, when is the desktop cube coming back? I see that cover switch is back already (albeit uglier, laggier and with NO REFLECTIONS?!). Surely it must be time for the cube now?By the way, these are not "rarely used" features. The vast majority of Linux aficionados use these. It gives us confidence in the superiority of Linux over the dull and boring Windows and MacOS which have no such special effects.I would say the indispensable special effects are (not in order of priority and not exhaustive):Cover switchDesktop cubeWobbly WindowsMagic lamp

Comment 41 David Edmundson 2022-02-28 09:56:22 UTC

Please don't change bug status.

Comment 42 João Carlos 2022-02-28 10:33:13 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Created attachment 147185 [details]attachment-11512-0.htmlPassei a usar o Linux depois de um amigo me mostrar o efeito cubo no Pcdele. Gostaria de continuar a usar kdeneon mas preciso que o efeito cubofuncionando.Em seg, 28 de fev de 2022 06:56, David Edmundson <bugzilla_noreply@kde.org>escreveu:> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=443410>> David Edmundson <kde@davidedmundson.co.uk> changed:>> What |Removed |Added>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------> Status|VERIFIED |RESOLVED> CC| |kde@davidedmundson.co.uk>> --- Comment #41 from David Edmundson <kde@davidedmundson.co.uk> ---> Please don't change bug status.>> --> You are receiving this mail because:> You are on the CC list for the bug.

Comment 43 Trebor 2022-03-01 03:56:32 UTC

Hi i know we are boring you but seriously some time ago i writed you that i use it to teach chemiastry my students so to show how awsome was 3d cube that i'm still using thanks to timeshift i did education channel on youtube where the cube is in the center of everything check yourself :https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeorXe-KT_Mt-mAXG8_HmaQ

Comment 44 Trebor 2022-03-01 03:58:16 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Created attachment 147206 [details]attachment-4022-0.htmlcheck my yt channel i seriously used 3d cube to teach my students: www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeorXe-KT_Mt-mAXG8_HmaQ Dnia 22 listopada 2021 14:05 Marek Brunda &lt;bugzilla_noreply@kde.org&gt; napisał(a): bugs.kde.org https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=443410 Marek Brunda &lt;marek@brunda.name&gt; changed: What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC| |marek@brunda.name --- Comment #38 from Marek Brunda &lt;marek@brunda.name&gt; --- Maybe it&#39;s time to move to another desktop after 10 years... -- You are receiving this mail because: You are on the CC list for the bug.

Comment 45 OSTW 2022-03-21 15:11:26 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Yesh! Time to uninstall plasma-desktop

Comment 46 Wolfram Köhn 2022-04-03 11:28:30 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

I think there will be more pressure, when the kubuntu-users realise, that this beautiful feature is gone, after the LTS Version 22.04 is released in three weeks.

Comment 47 mrbinitie 2022-04-23 19:10:54 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Christ on a raft! Until I saw this bug-list I was certain I was doing something wrong. I just installed 22.04 and have spend the whole afternoon looking for the desktop-cube. How is it possible that one of the most intuitive v-desktop navigation tools has been removed. It's a really bad idea. It's an important and beautiful navigation tool, please bring it back.Are there existing workarounds?

Comment 48 Maximilian Böhm 2022-04-24 00:17:17 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

@mrbinitie: Sadly no, there isn’t. But look above, this bug entry is now marked as a duplicate of another, that‘s where the progress gets stated.

Comment 49 lgazx 2022-05-16 12:21:41 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Please return the cube.

Comment 50 wolf 2022-06-07 17:46:08 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Why you removed the desktop cube?This was an outstanding feature of the desktop! No need to do so much work to remove it!I donate some money to KDE-Community but not for removing such wonderful feature!Bring it back please!

Comment 51 kolAflash 2022-06-08 18:45:55 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

I'm missing the cube very much too!Please bring it back :-)

Comment 52 kolAflash 2022-06-08 19:39:56 UTC

P.S.Maybe of interest:Posted on 16. November 2021 by Martin FlöserEvolving 3D desktop effects in Plasmahttps://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2021/11/evolving-3d-desktop-effects-in-plasma/> The latest Plasma release dropped a few desktop effects: the cube > family, CoverSwitch and FlipSwitch. All of those effects were written > back in 2008, the early days of KDE 4.x and the early days of desktop > effects in KWin. The effects were implemented by me and when Vlad asked > about removing them I saw the need for this and supported this step for > technical reasons. With this blog post I want to share a little bit of > why it was needed to remove them and why this means that they can come > back in better ways than ever before.> [...]

Comment 53 jonzn4SUSE 2022-06-10 10:27:27 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

What are the reasons?!?!?! ;-/

Comment 54 jonzn4SUSE 2022-06-10 10:28:58 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

(In reply to jonzn4suse from comment #53)> What are the reasons?!?!?! ;-/I'll go read the blog!

Comment 55 Antonio Rojas 2022-06-10 14:05:55 UTC

*** Bug 455130 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Comment 56 McWill 2022-06-12 18:06:50 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

It seems like this is where a majority of the comments are showing up...I too am a HUGE fan of the cube, and I think it is obvious from these comments that there is also a major fan following.I will add my vote for a plea to those that have the skills to please develop the cube to bring it back to its previous glory or better.I would also like to add my voice in thanking the developers for their time and effort. There is obviously a lot of time and effort that is applied to this project. It is a very valuable project and makes a difference. As with any endeavor, yes maybe the "customer" priorities could use a little more consideration, however, that should not diminish the appreciation that so many of us have for what you all are doing. I would like to voice, for many that I believe hold my view, thank you for all you do.

Comment 57 Gordon 2022-06-16 21:05:56 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Please bring back the cube. Its one of the primary reasons why I use KDE Plasma 5 and I am disappointed without it. I guess that I will start looking at using the other desktop environments since this was a differential features for Plasma 5. Thanks for listening! Gordon

Comment 58 Ade Malsasa Akbar 2022-07-19 07:01:16 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Please bring back 3D Desktop Cube effects. I am a teacher at computer course who teach using KDE and Kubuntu as the only system for years. One part of my curriculum is for the students to run 3D Cube Desktop on their KDE machines. This is an easy way to check for whether their hardware supports GNU/Linux or not. This also highly motivates students to learn more about Free Software, then to spread KDE to others, I could tell. Up to Kubuntu 20.04 LTS we can still practice this. But since Kubuntu 22.04 LTS, with Plasma 5.24 we cannot do this anymore. I've looked at the Get New Effects and there is no such thing as 3D Cube anymore. This is very important to us. We cannot lose it, unfortunately. So I hereby ask developers, please bring it back. Thank you very much.Sincerely yours,Ade Malsasa Akbar

Comment 59 Zubin Singh Parihar 2022-11-06 18:29:32 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

I too would like the Desktop cube effect back!I'm using Kubuntu 20.04 with Plasma 5.18.7 and one of my biggest hesitations of upgrading to Kubuntu 22.04 with Plasma 5.24.6 is that I'll lose the Desktop Cube effect.

Comment 60 Zubin Singh Parihar 2022-11-06 18:37:19 UTC

I see that this person has been able to bring the Desktop Cube effect to Plasma 5.24:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uDRSUdftZE

Comment 61 K.J. Petrie 2022-11-06 19:55:40 UTC

It's available at https://github.com/zzag/kwin-effects-cube.git and I have packaged it for PCLinuxOS. If your distro doesn't package it yet either package it for them or ask someone to do so. Of course, it's up to the distro whether they do.Thanks to the developers for doing this. It's really appreciated.

Comment 62 RobinK 2022-11-24 20:44:49 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Is anyone actually working on restoring the cube, or is it dead?

Comment 63 Trebor 2022-11-26 23:52:16 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Created attachment 154064 [details]attachment-25999-0.htmlSeriously we should understand that&#39;s the cost of work and money to get it back you can install last version that it works and make your own modifications if you&#39;re able to. For me my friend did some modifications that i can use desktop cube and use update with no problems but i do not know how he did that...:( since that time i just use timeshift to backup just in case :) Dnia 24 listopada 2022 21:44 RobinK napisał(a): bugs.kde.org https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=443410 --- Comment #62 from RobinK &lt;robnk@xtra.co.nz&gt; --- Is anyone actually working on restoring the cube, or is it dead? -- You are receiving this mail because: You are on the CC list for the bug.

Comment 64 K.J. Petrie 2022-11-27 00:01:09 UTC

See my comment 61. It's done, but you need to install it yourself as an add-on. If your distro doesn't package it you'll also have to build it, but KDE have done their bit so there's nothing more to do here.

Comment 65 RobinK 2022-11-27 00:27:21 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Thanks. I'll ask

Comment 66 Mike Stefanelli 2022-12-13 22:42:15 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Please restore the desktop cube in kubuntu 22.04. This feature made kubuntu/KDE stand out from the rest. Thank You.

Comment 67 K.J. Petrie 2022-12-13 23:53:49 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

(In reply to Mike Stefanelli from comment #66)> Please restore the desktop cube in kubuntu 22.04. This feature made> kubuntu/KDE stand out from the rest. > Thank You.This is KDE's bugzilla, not Kubuntu's. KDE cannot add software to Kubuntu. The add-on is available if Kubuntu choose to package it, but only they can do that.

Comment 68 Mike Stefanelli 2022-12-14 05:39:15 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Created attachment 154576 [details]attachment-32048-0.htmlThank you for your reply. I was not sure if the issue was with KDE orKubuntu. I will contact support at Kubuntu.On Tue, Dec 13, 2022, 6:53 PM K.J. Petrie <bugzilla_noreply@kde.org> wrote:> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=443410>> --- Comment #67 from K.J. Petrie <kde.bugs@kjpetrie.co.uk> ---> (In reply to Mike Stefanelli from comment #66)> > Please restore the desktop cube in kubuntu 22.04. This feature made> > kubuntu/KDE stand out from the rest.> > Thank You.>> This is KDE's bugzilla, not Kubuntu's. KDE cannot add software to Kubuntu.> The> add-on is available if Kubuntu choose to package it, but only they can do> that.>> --> You are receiving this mail because:> You are on the CC list for the bug.

Comment 69 Duns 2022-12-14 07:11:46 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

(In reply to Mike Stefanelli from comment #68)> Created attachment 154576 [details]> attachment-32048-0.html> > Thank you for your reply. I was not sure if the issue was with KDE or> Kubuntu. I will contact support at Kubuntu.> > > > On Tue, Dec 13, 2022, 6:53 PM K.J. Petrie <bugzilla_noreply@kde.org> wrote:> > > https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=443410> >> > --- Comment #67 from K.J. Petrie <kde.bugs@kjpetrie.co.uk> ---> > (In reply to Mike Stefanelli from comment #66)> > > Please restore the desktop cube in kubuntu 22.04. This feature made> > > kubuntu/KDE stand out from the rest.> > > Thank You.> >> > This is KDE's bugzilla, not Kubuntu's. KDE cannot add software to Kubuntu.> > The> > add-on is available if Kubuntu choose to package it, but only they can do> > that.> >> > --> > You are receiving this mail because:> > You are on the CC list for the bug.Let us know, Mike, the link of Kubuntu where you do this request, so that we can back you.

Comment 70 Mike Stefanelli 2022-12-14 14:15:09 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

Created attachment 154582 [details]attachment-27183-0.htmlSure thingOn Wed, Dec 14, 2022, 2:11 AM Duns <bugzilla_noreply@kde.org> wrote:> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=443410>> --- Comment #69 from Duns <web@culturanuova.net> ---> (In reply to Mike Stefanelli from comment #68)> > Created attachment 154576 [details]> > attachment-32048-0.html> >> > Thank you for your reply. I was not sure if the issue was with KDE or> > Kubuntu. I will contact support at Kubuntu.> >> >> >> > On Tue, Dec 13, 2022, 6:53 PM K.J. Petrie <bugzilla_noreply@kde.org>> wrote:> >> > > https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=443410> > >> > > --- Comment #67 from K.J. Petrie <kde.bugs@kjpetrie.co.uk> ---> > > (In reply to Mike Stefanelli from comment #66)> > > > Please restore the desktop cube in kubuntu 22.04. This feature made> > > > kubuntu/KDE stand out from the rest.> > > > Thank You.> > >> > > This is KDE's bugzilla, not Kubuntu's. KDE cannot add software to> Kubuntu.> > > The> > > add-on is available if Kubuntu choose to package it, but only they can> do> > > that.> > >> > > --> > > You are receiving this mail because:> > > You are on the CC list for the bug.>> Let us know, Mike, the link of Kubuntu where you do this request, so that> we> can back you.>> --> You are receiving this mail because:> You are on the CC list for the bug.

Comment 71 sydney 2022-12-30 18:18:59 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

KDE4 was the best KDE implementation and I loved it!Since then I have seen the continual degradation of the KDE Desktop starting with the removal of "Different widgets from each Desktop", the incompatibility of using the original Desktop Themes, then the stripping of Konqueror capabilities and removal only to be replaced by the simplistic Dolphin file manager and now the removal of the Desktop Cube.What are you going to remove next?May I suggest, compositing, then maybe remove colour, so we are forced to use a grey scale desktop.What is the point in "improving" software by removing features and functionalities?Do car companies do this? (Next years model will have a maximum speed of 10 miles an hour)Will KDE 7 even have a Desktop?This continual downgrading of the KDE experience makes me angry and after 18 years of KDE I have now decided to switch to Windows.

Comment 72 Vortex 2023-02-11 22:43:45 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

I just upgraded to Kubuntu 22.04 and I was shocked that (In reply to K.J. Petrie from comment #64)> See my comment 61. It's done, but you need to install it yourself as an> add-on. If your distro doesn't package it you'll also have to build it, but> KDE have done their bit so there's nothing more to do here.Hi, does it also restore the desktop switching effect? It doesn't seem so from the description and the picture & animation on the Github page.If it doesn't and you're the dev behind it, care to also restore the desktop switching effect, please? 🥺

Comment 73 Duns 2023-02-12 10:07:27 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

(In reply to Vortex from comment #72)> I just upgraded to Kubuntu 22.04 and I was shocked that (In reply to K.J.> Petrie from comment #64)> > See my comment 61. It's done, but you need to install it yourself as an> > add-on. If your distro doesn't package it you'll also have to build it, but> > KDE have done their bit so there's nothing more to do here.> > Hi, does it also restore the desktop switching effect? It doesn't seem so> from the description and the picture & animation on the Github page.> > If it doesn't and you're the dev behind it, care to also restore the desktop> switching effect, please? 🥺I totally agree!

Comment 74 Philip Booysen 2023-02-19 19:22:17 UTC Comment hidden (spam)

(In reply to Vortex from comment #72)> I just upgraded to Kubuntu 22.04 and I was shocked that (In reply to K.J.> Petrie from comment #64)> > See my comment 61. It's done, but you need to install it yourself as an> > add-on. If your distro doesn't package it you'll also have to build it, but> > KDE have done their bit so there's nothing more to do here.> > Hi, does it also restore the desktop switching effect? It doesn't seem so> from the description and the picture & animation on the Github page.> > If it doesn't and you're the dev behind it, care to also restore the desktop> switching effect, please? 🥺I also totally agree.Please can we possibly restore the desktop switching effect, please? 🥺 I really use it every single day and it maps my virtual desktops in 3D in my mind, making my workflow effortless when switching between desktops.What is the effort involved restoring this since work was done behind kwin-effects-cube?Just to make things hopefully a bit more clear.I run Arch Linux. I installed the update using "yay -S kwin-effects-cube-git" ... installed with no effort.I have been using the "Virtual Desktop Switching Animation" called "Desktop Cube Animation" DAILY for 17 years since circa 2006.After installation of https://github.com/zzag/kwin-effects-cube ... the "Desktop Cube" under "Window Management" is working ... But under "Virtual Desktop Switching Animation" I still only have: - Fade Desktop - Slide Can we please get the "Virtual Desktop Switching Animation" called "Desktop Cube Animation" back?

Comment 75 Nate Graham 2023-02-19 20:11:22 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 438883 ***
443410 – Please restore the Desktop Cube switching effect (2024)


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